
Duchy of Avonlae

Regent: Duke Carilon Alam descendant of the original Duke of Alamie, rules here. This greedy, avaricious man cares nothing for his realm—he hopes instead to retake the Empire or at least make the histories reflect him as a great statesman. He has little chance to accomplish either.

The duke's first plan involves reclaiming Tuornen. Though it seems improbable, he could succeed. Alam wants to convince Darien Avan it would be in both their best interests to see Tuornen once again under Alamien rule. He's promised the prince that the new Alamie's borders would be a perfect launching place for his armies.

The Prince of Avanil isn't convinced. He doesn't want to see Alamie grow, especially not at the expense of losing Tuornen as a possible ally. Also, he doesn't trust Carilon Alam—he knows the duke's plans seldom bode well for anyone but the duke.

• Lieutenants: Alam's lieutenants include his two cousins and his daughter. He uses them like pawns on a chessboard and will sacrifice them if he must. They serve him out of fear, not admiration, so they do not work as effectively as they might.

Provinces: Within the nine provinces of Alamie lies one fortress: Sorentier, in Sorelies. It supports a pair of knight units secretly training to burst into Tuornen , as soon as the word comes in from Lofton, the capitol.

Important NPCs: Guilder Kalien of Endier owns much of the trade in Alamie. The guilder has made it clear that the southern provinces answer to him; when the law steps in to remove any of Kalien's operations, people wind up dead. On the other hand, the duke has let Kalien know that Alamie won't support any guild that doesn't pay tribute to the crown. Burned warehouses and raids on illegal operations have cut into Kalien's interests.

Description: Alamie has been unkindly described as one big flat stretch of grass. Though this picture isn't entirely accurate, it does leap to mind when a traveler reaches the plains. Until he gained the northern mountains, he'd have to call the terrain mostly featureless. Waves of corn fill province after province, and the air smells of fertilizer. Alamiens share their regent's dislike for the Tuors. They resent that the provinces to the west could be theirs to farm and hold, and they take this anger out on the Tuors they find. The people of Lofton see themselves as more rational than their country counterparts, but they still harbor a lingering dislike for Tuornen. Alamiens can be affable and friendly, though, as long no one broaches the subject of their enemies to the west.

Alamie holds one of the most untenable positions in Avonlae. Stuck with a large border on Ghoere and another on Mhoried, the realm must tread a delicate line to avoid offending one of these two powers. It's usually safer to anger Mhoried, but one can push even the Mhor only so far. Alamiens also must worn,' about the threat of brigandage from the Five Peaks.

Finally, they know that Avanil lies merely a province away, should the prince choose to march through Tuornen or Endier. Therefore, Alamie wants to regain the territory Tuornen now holds, to place more land between Avanil and Lofton.

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