Tuornen - Noble Knighthoods

While both the Western Imperial Temple of Azimir and the Militant Order of Cuiraecen sponsor their own Knight Templar, three secular knightly orders exist within Tuornen.

The Order of the Unconquered Hart is the most prestigious among city nobles. Taking their icon from Dalton's own arms, Knights of the Hart pledge themselves to defending the regent and cities of Tuornen against tyranny. Devoted foes of Alamie, Knights of the Hart often aggressively pursue river bandits and root out suspected treason. One popular rumor claims that the order has an inner circle accessible only to those knights who have slain a declared enemy of Tuornen in single battle. Another suggests that some hopeful knights have stolen into Alamie under cloak of darkness to assassinate Alamien nobles. The order persecutes those who repeat this rumor.

The Griffons of Haes are an unusual order of knights, dedicated not to war but to peace through diplomacy. Founded in 1641 after the death of Fiarelle of Tuarhievel, they honor both her and Gilgaed, whose refusal to declare war upon her murder saved countless lives and was, according to the Griffons, the only noble course. Though they are forbidden to duel to the death, a few members of this tiny order are formidable fencers, as proven on the bodies of those who challenge them for cowardice.

The Knights of the Hunt is a rural knighthood, though brash youths from the cities sometimes join their ranks. The Hunt devotes itself to defending the northwestern lands from incursions by Rhuobhe's gheallie Sidhe, or Hunt of the Elves. Brave and fierce as they are, the Knights of the Hunt have yet to win a sortie against the elves