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Baloths are lumbering armored creatures, who are known for their incredibly adaptability and hardiness. An ancient baloth are one of the few creatures who can rival an adult dragon in size or power, if they are ever allowed to grow that large. Most of these creatures stand around 10 feet at the shoulder, with a length extending slightly longer then that. They lack the aerial mobility and innate magical talents of dragons and are thus vulnerable to many predator's while they are young. While baloth’s naturally gather in herd groups that could be thousands strong, it has been centuries since the hooves of an Earthshatterer Herd has trampled across the lowlands of the Numerian Empire that was their heartland.

  Supposedly a few ancient herds are alive in the wilds of Dar, but for the most part the creatures are now only found individually or in small forest groups. Their hide is particularly adept at resisting the elemental effects of any dragons breath, and plate made from Baloth Hide is said to be one of the most effective tools in a foul dragon slayers arsenal. It has been known for experienced druids or rangers to form a bond with these creatures, as they display more intelligence than your average monster. There are even rumors that the Kingdom of Ordeg has created techno-magical harness that allow these deadly beasts to be used in combat.

Steelskull Baloth     Oakenhide Baloth

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