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The Detrimene Family

"Make something new with your life, with your own mind and hands"
The Family Words  


An Excerpt from City of the Future: A People's History of New Lamberton by Kristof Namsouh
Interested readers, the story of the Detrimene family is certainly one of the most tragic, bu easily one of the most interesting. As the story usually goes, the hunt for perfection usually ends in loss and unforeseen consequences. In-fact, it almost seems as though the closer a man gets to the perfection they crave, the more traumatic the fall. Like the other histories, the Detrimene family starts before the Violet Dawn, but this one stretches back even longer still from its progenitor, Jethro Detrimene a prodigious artificer who was born 250 years ago and died shortly after the Violet Dawn. You see, Jethro was a once in generation (well given his long life span a once in many human-generations) mind. Even more astoundingly, he was child the Vedalken of Immigrants from Lunar Thadaa, who sought more consistent refuge from the timultuous standing that comes with the the decennial games. From a young age of only 16 he was welcomed into an apprenticeship as an Armorer's apprentice at the old Teriyana school of Artificery, which was destroyed during the Violet Dawn. He excelled in this apprenticeship and became a Master Armorer in the record time of merely 10 years, surpassing many of his peers and teachers. Never satisfied however, Jethro believed that true mastry of the art would come from learning all of the major forms of Artificery, alchemy, artillerism, battle-smithing. There were rumors that he even studied the rare art of Maverick artificery, although I can find no evidence of that claim.   As most experts would tell you, mastering one form of Artificery is hard enough, but mastering multiple is practically unheard of... and ill advised if anyone wants to make a name for themselves. But in 30 years, he did it and with that came renown, fame and notoriety. So much so, that he was the most sought out patron of noble families for nearly 20 years. By the time he was 60 years old (still quite a young man by Vedalken standards.), he had been a patron of most members of The Parliament as well as the richest families. With his success and subsequent riches he was able to found the, now famous, Detrimene Magic Emporium. He gaiend a reputation of being able to complete any task given to him, no matter the specialty. By the time he was 80 or so (the details around this part are fuzzy since the records were destroyed when his primary lab was destroyed during the violet dawn), when Benyl noticed him to undertake an unknown project. After which, in gratitude and admiration Benyl gifted him the ultimate Dragon's boon, Jethro's line would be dragonborn for generations to come.   His status, finally caught up with his notoriety it wasn't long before Jethro was married to another noble Vedalken family. However, children would prove to be quite a difficult thing to manage for a man who only sought and expected perfection. You see, Jethro had high standards for everything he created, including his children. This proved difficult for his children, even given the advantage of being Dragonborn. Don't get me wrong, by all accounts they were quite talented, just not up to Jethro's standards.   As always, Jethro would make perfection if he needed to, and thus his downfall begins. While skilled at all forms of Artificery, his Armorer and Alchemy skills stood above the rest. Eager to please, his children signed up happily for augmentation, starting small he began to make modifications to their body, limbs and soon after, their heads. At various points, their Mother's side tried to stop the experiments but Jethro was an unstoppable force once he threw himself into his work. Soon though, Jethro realized he would need to start younger. Then, Thydra was born and his experiments would take a change. Instead of just cybernetic enhancements, he started experimenting with biology itself. Using beasts as guinea pigs, these little experiments would take a startling turn into being devious.   Thydra, the poor boy while not a guinea pig was certainly held to an even stricter standard than the rest, and it wasn't uncommon to see him with new enhanncements whenever he made a public appearance. By the time Thydra was 20 (Jethro was in his 120th year at this time), he was quite the marvel but at a cost. While his ability were a cut above the rest, it was later reported that all of the boons that came from being a Dragonborn caused him immense pain. In Jethro's defense though, it is believed that Thydra never shared this information beyond a few of his siblings who he swore to secrecy. It is uncertain, what finally made Thydra snap, but it is commonly attributed to the Violet Dawn given the timing. Following the destruction of Lamberton, no one could find Jethro or Thydra amongst several nobles, including his uncle, grandfather and 2 siblings. Howoever, once some rubble in front of Jethro's primary lab was removed an animalistic like Thydra burst from the lab and ran towards the chasm left by the Violet Dawn. It is said that Romuloin Clay was the one who uncovered the building, and took chase. When his pursuers arrived at the edge of the chasm, all they found were a cybernetic arm and leg emblazened with the Detrimene sigil. It is assumed he fell and died as Thydra has not been seen since. Upon Romuloin's return to the lab, it was discovered that Jethro was doing a demonstration with his son prior to the incident with all of the missing members, and all of their corpses were found burnt nearly beyond recongition. Thydra is assumed responsible according to Clay and members of The Blue Core based on the scene.   During the rebuilding, all of Jethro's businesses and estates were passed to his remaining children, his wife and his wife's side of the family. Under their watch, they have become quite notable and notorious in the sale of magic goods and supposedly used Jethro's research on animals to modify beasts for various tasks. Given the fact that no one ever found Thydra's full body, people would joke about how he disappeared Into Thin Air. Seeking to restore some of their name, according to sources, the Detrimene family took that moniker to remove its fangs, and combined their holdings under the Organization of the same name.   After a small dip in revenue, a notable new figure by the name of Locke Dufraigne joined the leadership of Into Thin Air as the Silver of the organization. Since then Into Thin Air has experienced a boom bringing them to new heights. Truly a magnificent artificer, it is unclear how he turned around the business but coming from Lunar Thadaa it is most likely that competitive drive that fuels the meteoric rise.
Rank Name
Gold Fenris Detrimene
Silver Locke Dufraigne
Obsidian Kanobo Detrimene
Pink Brachio Detrimene
Copper Monre Lunara

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