NPC Character Index

Aldenard and Vylbrand
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Second Serpent Lieutenant Broddr Rocin
Basic Notes:

Male Midlander Hyur; Middle-aged

Physique Notes:

Though claiming to be hyur one might guess he has elezen in his bloodline. A tall, powerful build, with long brown hair and rough stubble, usually smirking or sneering. He often gives decent folks a terrible feeling.

Other Notes:

Last seen stationed at Camp Tranquil managing inspections of those passing into the Shroud

He hates Avianne and often harasses her when he can.

Combat Skill- Expert to Master


Burning Mountain
Basic Notes:

Male Hellsguard Roegyden; Late middle-aged

Physique Notes:

An absolute mountain of a man, usually taller than even his own kin, he is never the less a shy, and reserved individual preferring the solitude of his kilns and forge where he works in Limsa Lominsa.

Other Notes:

Younger Brother to Greatful Sand

Current close Friend to Avianne

Grand Master Glass Blowing Artist




Storm Sergeant First Class Daggonet Toller
Basic Notes:

Male Hyur Highlander ; Early to mid 60s

Physique Notes:

A slightly older highlander with grey hair thinning at the front and a maintained beard. Though he has grown soft over the recent years he still moves with the precision and weight of a proud career military man.

Other Notes:

Kindly and overall well-liked

Current acquaintance to Avianne- Worked together on a 'mission' within Limsa

Combat Skill- Average (diminished due to age- double sword)




Ellie Suinovoud
Basic Notes:

Female Wildwood Elezen; mid 90s

Physique Notes:

An older female elezen with silver hair, gnarled hands riddled with arthritis, and an ever-present smile. Though somewhat bent with age she's an active woman in her work and garden and is known to have a soft spot for the Sylphs of the Shroud.

Other Notes:

Kindly, witty, and a lover of all things books and gossip

Current Alchemy Treacher to Avianne

Can be found living in the Lavender Beds and is often visited by Avianne




Greatful Sand
Basic Notes:

Male Hellsguard Roegyden; Late middle-aged

Physique Notes:

Well-maintained physical fitness but missing his right hand at the wrist and the right side of his face/upper body is burned resulting in a missing eye and less muscle control. Speaks with a slur.

Other Notes:

Older Brother to Burning Mountain

Former Mercenary- Can be found at The Church of Saint Adama Landama in Eastern Thanalan

Current close Friend to Avianne




Hissax Daimione by AI-Generated

Serpent Corporal Hissax Daimione
Basic Notes:

Male Wildwood Elezen; Younger-Middle Aged

Physique Notes:

Moderate height, with platinum blonde hair, medium-length ears, and a lithe build. Prefers to remain silent and when he does talk he is soft-spoken.

Other Notes:

Last seen in the South Shroud in the company of Marara Mara, and Thorlona

Affiliatin with Avianne unknown

Combat Skill - Unknown (bow, spear, magic)




Marara Mara by AI-Generated

Marara Mara
Basic Notes:

Female Dunesfolk Lalafell; Unknown

Physique Notes:

This diminutive lalafell has cutting eyes of brilliant amethyst and black hair that more than make up for her stature when it comes to intimidation. Something about the hungry look in her eyes says she's deadly, like a snake watching from the grass waiting to strike.

Other Notes:

Last seen in the South Shroud in the company of Hissax Daimione, and Thorlona

Affiliatin with Avianne unknown

Combat Skill - Unknown (magic)



Tifi Kavrinu
Basic Notes:

Female Keeper of the Moon; Young Adult

Physique Notes:

A small Miqo'te female with dirty blond hair and curious blue eyes. She's got an exuberant personality once she breaks out of her shell and her face and body language often leave none of her emotions unknown.

Other Notes:

A moderately skilled botanist is often sent to care for Avianne's garden when she is away on business.

Twin sister to Tomi'zi

Combat Skill - Low to Moderate (magic)

Thorlona (Thorn Gatherer)
Basic Notes:

Female Sea Wolf Roegadyn; Young Adult

Physique Notes:

This Roegadyn seems to be the physical embodiment of the stormy seas. Silvery white hair, blue-grey skin and a gleaming stare that is untamed and unrelenting. Her face appears young but the way she carries her weapons with confidence and malice speaks to skill and strength that may surprise some.

Other Notes:

Last seen in the South Shroud in the company of Hissax Daimione, and Marara Mara

Affiliatin with Avianne unknown

Combat Skill - Unknown (axe, magic)

Tomi'zi Kavrinu
Basic Notes:

Male Keeper of the Moon; Young Adult

Physique Notes:

A Miqo'te male of stout muscular build with strawberry-blonde hair and thoughtful blue eyes. Decently reserved and soft-spoken he has a philosopher's countenance and a depth of charm born from an easy relaxed nature.

Other Notes:

A skilled botanist is often sent to care for Avianne's garden when she is away on business.

Twin brother to Tifi

Combat Skill - Moderate (bow, magic)


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