Story Tools

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Table of Contents

Adventure's Guild Open Contracts-Common

An OOC Note- All open contracts are up for grabs. You can either send me a tell, send Avianne an IC letter, or just recognize her wherever you see her for the common ones to start the interaction. These are quests that may be undertaken alongside Avianne as a character, or solo with me simply DMing the experience for you through descriptions and NPCs. Both options vary in length depending on the complexity of the task, the competency of your character/group of characters, as well as the desired outcome for your character, but these are commonly multi-week or sometimes month-long storylines dedicated to the completion of the contract and your character's development.   If you come up to me and simply say you fulfilled the contract you've missed the point entirely.   To avoid issues with IC Gil and different characters ascribing different IC Values to nearly everything all contracts are listed on a vague scale of payout (Poor, Average, Decent, Generous, Exceedingly Generous, Is She Crazy?) and are given consideration based on the complexity of the task, inherent risk, distance to be traveled, and required mastery of specific skills. Your character may feel the contract amount is too much, or too little, or may wish to negotiate to receive an item or service instead.

Current Open Contracts

Seventh Heaven Live Plants

Final Fantasy Fourteen watercolor style image of a horticulture sketch in an alechemy book of a simple white and pink folower with six pointed petals

Seventh Heaven by AI-Generated

Seeking skilled botanists willing to gather wild Seventh Heaven Plants and deliver them to The Bluebell Magic Shop in the South Shroud.
  • Minimum of 4 live plants- Will pay for more by the plant
  • Skill level- Master Botanist Recommended, Moderat Adventurer Recommended
  • Payout upon Receipt of Materials- Decent Pay by the Plant
Shipment Escort of Skybuilders' Rock Salt

A sketch of rock salt used for cooking and medicine with notes on parchment

Skybuilders' Rock Salt by AI-Generated

Seeking shipment escort for six crates (150 ponze each) of Skybuilder's Rocksalt from Limsa Lominsa to The Bluebell Shop in the South Shroud. The shipment already has a chocobo cart hired and waiting for confirmation of protection.
  • Skill level- Apprentice to Moderat Adventurer Recommended- Multiple guards are welcome.
  • Payout upon successful delivery of Materials- Average Pay in one lump sum
Delivery- South Shroud to Kugane

A medieval sketch of a wax sealed folded letter ontop of a small wooden crate

Delivery to Kugane by AI-Generated

Seeking delivery of a fragile and time-sensitive package to Kugane. Pick up to be initiated at the Bluebell Shop in the South Shroud.
  • Passage to the Far East has not been arranged, Aetherite Travel is not possible due to the nature of the package.
  • Skill level- Moderat Adventurer Recommended
  • Payout upon successful delivery of Unbroken Materials from the contact in Kugane- Exceedingly Generous
Delivery- Tailfeather and Falcon's Nest to South Shroud

A Final Fantasy Fourteen parchment sketch of some boxes ready for delivery near a merchant's stall in a gothic courtyard with light snow

Pickup in Ishguard by AI-Generated

Seeking pickup of two packages, one in Tailfeather and one in Flacon's Nest for delivery to the Bluebell Shop in the South Shroud. Reports of dangerous road conditions due to weather and attacks in the area. One pack Chocobo is to be provided in Tailfeather for the duration of the journey.
  • Aetherite Travel is not possible due to the nature of the packages.
  • Skill level- Moderat to Skilled Adventurer Recommended, Three or more Adventurers Recomended
  • Payout upon successful delivery of the packages- Generous (Lump sum to be divided at the party's discretion)

Kedtrap Culling

A parchment sketch a mutant lily monster

Kedtrap Culling by AI-Generated

Seeking adventurers to find the source of the Kedtrap Infestation within the Southern Shroud.
  • Skill level- Apprentice to Moderat Adventurer Recommended, Botany skill Recomended
  • Payout upon successful discovery of the infestation source, more if the source is destroyed- Decent to Generous
New Contract Upcoming


Fine Wolf Pelt

Garm'Aaruq by AI-Generated

A monstrous wolf afflicted with a dangerously high imbalance of Ice Aspected Aether has been seen in Thanalan. However the beast got there is unknown but it is known that Garm'Aaruq has killed a number of adventurers already and is still reported to be alive. The Imortal Flames have as a standard contract out for its death but Avianne has one out for its pelt.
  • Skill level- Master Adventurers Recommended
  • Payout upon successful delivery of the (mostly) undamaged pelt the Bluebell Shop- Is she Crazy? (Depending on the level of damage done to the pelt the payout may decrease.)
What Once Was Mine

Oshasha Osha by AI-Generated

Seeking the return of a stolen enchanted necklace from a fled individual.
  • Oshasha Osha- Female Dunesfollk Lalafell, suspected Black Mage. Last seen in Limsa Lominsa
  • Skill level- Moderat to Skilled Adventurers or Bounty Hunters Recommended, Two or more Adventurers Recommended (Avianne to accompany the party)
  • Payout upon successful delivery of the undamaged stolen necklace to the Bluebell Shop- Is she Crazy? (Lump sum to be divided at the hired party's discretion)

The Bluebell Shop Advertisements- Fairly Common

Looking through some of the leaflets on the Market Board in Gridania trying to find reasonable prices for some herbs you just can't find anywhere your hand pauses on a simple flyer with a sketch of a moss-covered cottage surrounded by trees and flowers with bold lettering declaring it The Bluebell Shop. "Trinkets, Bits and Bobs, and more Oddities of an aetheric persuasion for your every need. From the expressional to the mundane, from gifts to the extra cutting-edge for the adventurer to something truly unique. Handcrafted and recovered items from all walks of life can be found on these shelves. In addition, services include identifying aether-infused or altered objects and their nature or applying the desired aetheric alterations to your items for whatever your needs may be." Perhaps not the most original advertisement for a shop of aether items but something about the paper makes your fingertips tingle. Perhaps a trip out to the South Shroud wouldn't be so out of the way?
The Bluebell Shop
East Over the Bridge from Buscarron's Duthers- Southern Shroud
As you travel down the worn cobblestone road the shadows of the Twelveswood keep the air cool and fresh. A light breeze catches the lofty boughs of the canopy and the sounds of cracking wood layer with the rush of wind through leaves. Insect chirping and the call of toads echoed from the unseen depths of the forest, and birds added their sweet songs to the natural music, completing the orchestra of the forest. In the distance, set back from the road, a structure of stout wood beams and white stone can be seen with intricately carved gables and a stout stone chimney. The cottage was a two-story structure with a thatch and wood roof covered with moss and vines that grew so thick more like a part of the forest canopy than a roof. The outside has all the appearance of a charming cottage complete with overgrown and healthy garden beds with all manner of herbs, fruits, vegetables, and commonplace flowers. A set of stone stairs leads up to a half wrap-around porch which was set with cozy chairs, and planters bursting with flowers. The door is painted a faded light blue with a brass plate on the front indicating that it was The Bluebell Shop. Around the side of the structure was a path made of loose flagstones with moss growing between them. This led to a wagon house with an attached paddock where a black chocobo could be seen snoozing in the sunshine.  
An OOC Note- I'm always looking to spark inspiration and RP so this little shop is designed to be a gateway into adventures. My character is always in need of something be it from a merchant, a crafter, a toy maker, a bounty hunter, and a good ol' adventurer. I enjoy leaning into other peoples' characters and crafting adventures that suit them and help bring to life the individual you have created. It's also a way for me to be creative and sell useless items like 'Handbag of Disappearing Gil' which always seems to lose just enough gil that you can't pay for your drinks. Or on a more serious note, it's a way to get your character that item you've always wanted, assess cursed objects in RP, or just to add some flavor.   I don't have a house plot sadly, but my apartment location will be set up as a sudo spot until I have something more fitting to RP at!
The Bluebell Shop

A Random Sampling of Current Stock

Never-Full Gil Pouch
This beautiful leather pouch is embossed with delicate patterns and the alternating colors of the leather give it a truly stand-out appearance that any would be proud to show. The clasp is secure and overall it's small enough to be easily concealed while still being able to hold a large amount of gil should one choose.

Never-Full Gil Pouch by AI-Generated

Aether Infused Leather Pouch|| Rare- Unique
  • When gil is placed inside this item will somehow 'dispose' of a certain portion of its contents which seems random based on the needs of the owner ensuring that they are always short. However, the 'lost' gil is still retrievable. It would make either a fantastic joke gift, or something to vex your rival.
Silent Carpenter's Tools
Clearly created by a skilled craftsman these tools boast hardened ash-wood handles oiled to a gleaming polish and casted iron fittings and plates showing no trace of rust. The set includes one standard hammer, one carpenter's hammer, and one punching-spike to prepare wood for nails or mark future drill holes.

Silent Carpenter's Tools by AI-Generated

Aether Infused Carpenter Tools|| Rare- Unique (requires attunement)
  • This set of carpenter's tools is completely silent no matter how hard the hammers are struck. But only for the wielder, for everyone else they almost seem louder.
Howling Arrows of the Winds
A simple quiver of arrows hangs from a peg on the wall. At first, you see nothing out of the ordinary about these arrows. Each shaft of elm wood is well-cut, straight, and lightly polished to ensure smooth and unhindered flight. The feathers are likewise clean and kept straight through proper spacing within the quiver. While a fine set of killing instruments.... there's nothing magical about how they look.

Howling Arrows of the Winds by AI-Generated

Aether Infused Arrows|| Rare- Unique (quiver of 20 arrows)
  • When shot these arrows will not give off the distinctive whistle that can give away the archer's position. However, upon impact, they will let loose a blast of air that knocks back anyone within a few feet and deafens them temporarily due to the compressed sounds of thunder stored within the shafts. The further the arrow is shot the stronger the blast of wind.
  • This can cause concussive damage to the ears resulting in permanent deafness in some cases.
  • The arrows explode upon impact leaving nothing remaining.
Adventurer's Respite
This simple torch stands at five and a half fulms tall with a miniature iron brazier filled with faintly glowing orange crystals at the top while the other end is tipped with a sharp iron cap intended, no doubt, to help one drive it into even the most stubborn soil. Just looking at it gives you peace and comfort as if your best friend had just hugged you, though you aren't sure why you feel that way.
Aether Infused Standing Torch|| Rare- Unique (Requires Attunement)
  • When made to stand by the attuned owner this crystal torch will give off a gentle warmth allowing it to be used as a heat source requiring no fuel. It also fills those nearby with a sense of peace, calm, safety, and comfort for an unknown reason.
  • Expected to need Atheric Recharging in six to twelve moons depending on use- This can be accomplished by most mages but Arcanists or the original infusor are recommended. Recharging may alter the peaceful feeling depending on the mage to recharge the crystals.
  • Warrning: If the crystals are struck this torch has the potential to release a large blast of fire-aspected aether causing burns.

Natural and Discrete Healer

You stumble towards the village of Silent Arbor, your body going numb and your mind filling with a crushing haze. Blood oozes down your arm, having long soaked the bandages you tried to use to save yourself. A sickly rotten smell fills your nose and each breath brings up blood. As you collapse at last the guards posted outside the gate rush towards you. Though you can no longer hear their questions and shouts for an explanation you have enough presence of mind to beg, plead- "Th-thodis."  
An OOC Note- For some who are in the know, Avianne could be considered a skilled alchemist focused on the natural elements found within plants, minerals, and attentive care. While she cannot heal with aether she can manipulate the aether in the body to relieve pain and attempt to rehabilitate old wounds and hurts to a more livable state. She's also been known to be quiet about what she has seen should something be a bit off about the circumstances of the injury or illness. Happy to set something up or you could always bump into her when she's out and about!

Missing Person- Lets Talk

While stopping by the merchant's row in Foundation to re-supply on food for the rest of your journey you spot a flyer you have seen in a dozen areas of Ishguard the last few days. Looking over the old merchant-womans's shoulder the newly inked sketch of the young elezen woman with raven black hair and green eyes stares out at you with a blank expression. Over the top of the woman's face written in the common tongue, it labels her as a missing person. Below are details about her and a plea to report anything known to House Vorard. Perhaps it's just by how often you've seen her face in the sketches but you have the nagging feeling you've seen her before.   Seeing your stare the merchant finishes wrapping your items while chattering. "It's always a shame when something like that happens to decent folks. House Vorard is a good lot. Not so high in their towers to come to Foundation for better deals."   Though you don't get the chance to say anything perhaps your expression encouraged her to press on. "Losing his father and his sister in such a short time to become head of the House, and then his mother some months after from the grief- Yet Lord Evraut has never given up hope for his sister. Always comes around each month with new flyers. I don't know why he still has hope after that bloody battle; beyond my ken, but he does."
Missing Person
Avianne of House Vorard
The bottom of the flyer has the following details:
  • Species and Race: Wildwood Elezen
  • Sex: Female
  • Height: Six Fulms
  • Physique: Average
  • Hair: Black
  • Eyes: Pale Green
  • Age: Would Currently be 30 Years
  • Occupation: Unknown

If seen contact House Vorard with details. Heavy rewards of gil and exclusive services with renowned merchants and crafters will follow leads that result in the true identification of Avianne, or her escort to House Vorard's estate.

An OOC Note- There are very few individuals outside of Ishguard who would recognize Avianne as belonging to House Vorard. That being said I am always open to someone knowing something just as a random occurrence or recognizing her from missing persons flyers seen around Ishguard. Want to bring her in bounty hunter style to claim the rewards? Recognize her from before the end of the Dragonsong War when she was last in Ishguard? Perhaps you are someone specifically commissioned by House Vorard to search for her? Let's chat!


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