Hades Geographic Location in Story | World Anvil
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Hades is a supermassive black hole which is dignified as the center of the universe to the people. Since the sky is utterly black with no stars outside of the few stars closely orbiting Hades, Hades was first thought of as just a point in space in which everything spins around. It was until a discovering of viewing the warping of space as stars are viewed behind Hades that it was thought of as its own star. Since it is the only black hole that can be seen and observed, the people have thought of it as a special star and gave its name Hades due to its dark nature. It is practically invisible to the naked eye as its pitch black body perfectly blends in with the pitch black void. The only way to detect its existence is when objects pass behind it

Natural Resources

Numerous wavelengths of lights
Black Hole
Included Locations

Articles under Hades


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