Marsh Island Species in Story | World Anvil
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Marsh Island

Marsh Islands are large lily pad like plants which are large leaves anchored to the ground by a stem. They got their name from their large size, giving the effect of small islands. During high tide, the ground of the Deep Marsh floods; to combat this, these leafs have evolved to have a large leaf float on the water’s surface and to absorb sunlight and oxygen and move it down the stem to the roots. To gain as much sunlight as possible, the plant has developed an orange pigmentation to absorb more intense wavelengths of light, however this has caused them to shrivel up if under the sun for too long. This flaw has caused Marsh Islands of only grow under the large mangrove trees within the Deep Marsh

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

When fully grown, a flower will grow in the middle of the floating leaf. The flower emits pollen and nectar so that pollinators can pollinate the flower. When pollinated, the stem will grow seed pods which will float around in the water with the currents and tide moving them far away from the parent plant. When the tide recedes, the seed gets drained of water which causes it to not float when the tide comes in
Scientific Name
Foliaqua Fluctinsula altupalus
Average Height
20 feet
Average Length
6 feet in radii
Average Physique
The plant consists of a long leafy stem anchored using strong roots, the top of the stem consists of a large orange flat leaf which floats on top of the water to collect as much sunlight as possible
Geographic Distribution


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