Deep Marsh Geographic Location in Story | World Anvil
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Deep Marsh

The Deep Marsh got its name for the fact that during high tide the water level rises 20 feet above ground level, causing the water to be quiet deep. This, along with the muddy ground, has caused little infrastructure to be built in this region. The people who do live here either live in fishing communities on the edge of the swamp of by themselves in treehouses or highly stilted homes deep within the marsh. This large tidal difference has also caused the flora and fauna to evolve to either be large enough to be able to stand during high tide or to be aquatic or amphibious. The muddy ground is very uneven, with large dips in the ground from sinkholes or burying creatures, these craters or caverns remain full with water even when the tide recedes. These little ponds fill up with fish who didn’t manage to escape the tide receding. They can also be a nasty hiding spot for a predator

Localized Phenomena

When the tide rises the marsh floods and the water level raises 20 feet above the ground, when the tide recedes it drains the water until the muddy ground can be seen and water sits within craters in the ground
Wetland / Swamp
Location under


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