Olyn Geographic Location in Story | World Anvil
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A purple puffy giant which orbits the star Midas. Olyn gets its purple color from its high concentration of iodine within the atmosphere. It’s sufficient enough to have nearly constant iodine rain going on within the atmosphere. And the large amount of static electricity which forms from the clouds being stirred up from the high speed winds causes frequent lightning which light up the purple sky. However there is currently only one effective way in or out of the gas giant, that is an Archotech gas mining center called Cloud 9. From there numerous OCVs have been built and fly around within the upper atmosphere. Olyn is symbol of hope and pride, dominating the sky on Gaia. It has become a religious symbol since the early days of civilization

Localized Phenomena

Frequent lightning strikes, liquid iodine rain, super hurricanes

Natural Resources

Molecular hydrogen and Helium 3
Included Locations

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