Royal fisher Species in Story | World Anvil
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Royal fisher

Royal Fishers are one of the biggest birds in all of Gaia, and certainly the biggest species of bird within the Deep Marsh. These birds may seem scary, with their towering size and sharp beak, however they pose no threat to humans. As long as no one gets near their nest or provokes them, they will sit back and watch

However when they are provoked, they have some defenses. Their feathery body makes for an excellent defense, cushioning any hard blow. Their beak can also be used as a defensive weapon, it’s sharp edge and teeth are good at catching fish and they are also good for snipping away at threats. To finish off, they also contain powerful legs, able to kick with a force double their weight. Royal fishers kick  the head of any potential threats to disorient their target so that can quickly bite them. They also arc their wings in the air to look more intimidating and big

As mentioned, the birds primarily catch fish. Since the water recedes during low tide, they only hunt during high tide. If they have chicks, they will bring back fish for their chicks to eat. Their size allows them to eat an assortment of fish

Basic Information


2 large wings with a wingspan of 70 feet and 2 long legs 25 feet each. The head is attached to a 10 foot long neck. The head contains a sharp, shoe shaped bill with 4 spikes at the corners of the bill and a 2/3 down the bill which curve downwards

Biological Cycle

When high tide comes in, the Royal Fisher goes out to hunt fish. During low tide, the bird stays by its nest
Average Height
50 feet
Average Weight
124 kilograms
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The fathers have a light blue tint to blend in with the blue leaves of the marsh. The feathers that cover the head are colored yellow. The longer feathers on top of the birds head are colored green with white tips
Geographic Distribution


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