Day of Sun

One of the many rituals of the Light Seekers and their offshoots is the Day of Sun. It's not simply a day set aside to worship the Sun, it is instead something seen as vital to many of them. A day to preform a ritual meant to strengthen the Sun's resistance to Lady Void and to keep the End at bay for another year. The Day of Sun happens on the fifth of February, standard System calendar, and begins the moment your local clock ticks over to the first minute of the day. Seekers will sleep in the evening the day previous so that they are able to remain awake for the entirety of the Day of Sun. During this day, they will gather together to work on their gathering's great tapestry. This is a tapestry that is started when their gathering is first formed and will be worked on every year on the Day of Sun until the gathering is forced to disband for one reason or another. A gathering, for those unaware, is akin to a church.   Every Seeker in a gathering must work on the tapestry in some fashion. The skills to do so well will often be honed throughout the year. Children and those who have not yet gotten a handle on weaving, dyeing, and so on, will be given any tasks that require very little skill, though they will be encouraged to grow their skills and branch out in the future.   These tapestries can become incredibly long and somewhat difficult to store. Some gatherings have a large basement beneath their building that is dedicated entirely to storing the tapestry.   Each piece woven together, each picture and name added to the tapestry, is a ward against the Void. It is believed that this tapestry needs only to exist and to be expanded upon for the Sun to draw energy from it. Love and adoration is poured into each thread.   Though the work must continue on the tapestry the entire day, individual Seekers work in shifts. None are allowed to sleep during this day, but they may take breaks to eat and care for themselves and each other, as long as there is at least one person still working. An exception to the rule that they must stay awake is granted to children under ten years of age, as that is when they will be made full members of this religion and will be expected to take on adult responsibilities.   Day of Sun celebrations tend to have a very cheerful tone to them, with Seekers chatting and delighting in spending time with each other. Food will be brought to the gathering and laughter will ring in the air throughout.

Cover image: by Pixabay


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