Felix Rose

Felix Rose was an author who lived from April 22, 3198 until October 28, 3283. Their body of work mainly consists of romance or speculative fiction that also happens to have a heavy focus on romance alongside the main plot. The work they are most known for, however, is an account of their time spent aboard a pirate ship. The Third Golden Age of Piracy was at its height while Felix was alive, and a couple of their works had involved pirates in sympathetic roles.   The book, entitled Dealing With Pirates, was well regarded and thought of as being delightfully snarky. According to the book, Felix was kept alive by these pirates during the raid on the ship they were travelling on because a handful of them were, in fact, fans of their work. They then took Felix aboard their ship and kept them somewhat comfortable until they reached the next station, where they dropped the author off. The dedication of the book states that Felix was 'delighted to have spent those two weeks in such amusing company.'   Outside of their career in writing and their brief stint as a guest of pirates, Felix was primarily known for their work trying to get more visibility for those with disabilities. They were chronically ill themself and used both a hoverchair and a cane when leaving their home and found that many places that claimed to have space for people like them, simply did not. Or, instead, would have adhered to the bare minimum of what was required of them and thus were functionally only accessible to a small number of disabled people.   Felix lived on Earth for most of their life, moving to the moon for one brief year before return to the planet they were born on. This did not stop them from travelling all throughout the Inner System and even going on a couple trips to places in the Outer System. They married three times, taking two husbands and one wife in a polyamorous union, and lived with all three of them as well as their second husband's sibling and a number of pets.

Cover image: by Pixabay


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