Lady Void

Lady Void was the name given to the personification of the Void by the Light Seekers and their offshoots. Lady Void was believed to be the enemy of the Sun and of life itself. She was charactized by her coldness and considered by some to be a Goddess of Death. Seekers largely viewed her as a pure evil, a Goddess whose only goal was the end of all life and to bring about eternal darkness. Seekers believed that Lady Void worked through Witches, giving her followers unnatural abilities in order to advance her goals. It was fear by a particularily apocalyptic branch of the Seekers, known as the Light Weavers, that Lady Void would destroy the Sun itself, if given the chance.     In the Seeker creation myth, Lady Void was characterized as a jealous Goddess, becoming angry when the stars are born. In her rage, she murdered a number of stars, each one that was killed by her becoming a Black Hole. The only reason, within this myth, that the Sun still lives is because life sprouted on Earth and life is able to hold Lady Void at bay. She can kill indiviuals and she can control some of them, but life is something she is not capable of destroying herself. She must, instead, work through humans to have them bring about their own destruction. Only when all life is snuffed out will she be able to finally kill the Sun.   This characterization of the Void as malevolant has never been at all common among star sailors. In fact, the term 'Lady Void' has been used by many sailors in a purely positive light, not refering to or even typically being aware of the evil Goddess the Seekers fears and fought against. It is not uncommon to hear sailor speaking of how Lady Void protected them and so on.     Interestingly, Light Bringers, an offshoot of the Seekers, largely dropped the Lady Void part of their mythos. They still believed the Void was a force of evil to be fought against, but as Bringers spent more time around people outside of their religious order, especially on starships, it likely became to confusing to continue using this name for the Void.

Cover image: by Pixabay


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