Lightbend Station

Lightbend Station, located orbiting Venus, was known to be one of the more wild places one could go to party. The flashing lights, tight shimmering clothes and abundance of drugs set the atmosphere of the entire station. While not the largest station around, it could still hold over ten thousand people aboard. At its height, Lightbend Station brought in over $40 billion credits a year. This was, in part, due to the fact that gambling was very much a featured part of the entertainment. Though, it certainly wasn't the full extent of it. Art galleries and installations, clubs and nightlife, drugs and sex, most things one could ever wish to spend money on for their own satisfaction, you could find it at Lightbend Station.   As one would expect from a place founded on decadence and hedonism, Lightbend Station had a number of conflicts with the law. The Crown ordered the station's shut down no less than ten times over the course of its existence. Each time, the company that owned the station, Lightbend Inc, found loopholes in laws or temporarily cleaned up parts of the station to nullify any legal concerns about the place. It is unlikely that they would have been able to do this so many times, had there not been members of the Crown who enjoyed Lightbend Station as much as anyone else. Not to mention the rumoured personal friendship between the owners and one of the Princesses.   There was, of course, something of a black market on Lightbend Station as well. This market traded in things that were outside the grey area Lightbend Station operated in. It was never particularly difficult to stumble into someone operating outside the law in this way, but they were also swiftly dealt with by the station's authorities when caught. Lightbend Station was aware of its precarious existence, legally speaking, and was not tolerant of those who would risk it.   There have been a number of rumours over the years that pirates operated out of Lightbend Station, or that the owners had some form of bargain with one or more pirate Captains. These rumours were never proven to be true, but they likewise were never proven false. It has recently been discovered that the founder of Lightbend Station was, in fact, in possession of a ring that was known to have been worn by one Holly Graves, a known historical pirate. This doesn't prove a connection, there are a number of reasons that the ring may have found its way to where it was found, but it does make one ponder the possibilities.

Cover image: by Pixabay


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