Nemo Station

During the Third Golden Age of Piracy, Nemo Station was something of a safe haven among pirates and various outlaws. It orbited around Saturn, far enough out from the Inner-System for the Spacefleet to rarely bother making the journey. It had been built to be slightly luxurious, and it charged high fees for those who would stay there. One thing the most skilled pirates did not have a shortage of was credits.   There were laws on Nemo Station, set apart from the laws that governed the rest of the System. Here, your past deeds were not something that would get you in trouble with authorities. Only what you did while on the station. There were guards throughout, though it was rare they would step in. Most pirates knew well enough that if they wanted this place to remain untouched by the Crown and her warships, they could not ruin the peace.   Interestingly, Nemo Station also served as a strange sort of tourist spot for wealthy people who wanted a thrill. Staying there for any amount of time was considered quite brave, perhaps more than a little foolish, and something to bring up at parties forever more. It was fairly rare for something to actually happen to one of these rich guests, but you wouldn't know that if you heard them tell tales of their close calls with the most dangerous people in the System. Some would even claim to have seen evidence of things like Witchcraft or cannibalism.   The strange peace of Nemo Station was shattered in the year 3158 when two unknown pirates decided to kill as many rich patrons as they could. They managed to kill only one man and injure four more before they were stopped. If they had only killed another pirate, it is unlikely that the Crown would have paid any attention. As it was, this brought Nemo Station into the focus of the mainstream of society, and it did not take long for it to be shut down.   Nemo Station 2 opened its doors a year later. It was in the same orbit and though its owners remain unknown, most suspect that they were the same unknown people who owned the first iteration of the station. This version managed to outlast the Crown itself before it had to shut down.
Orbital, Station

Cover image: by Pixabay


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