
The Spacefleet, also known as 'the Fleet', 'the Crown's Men' and so on, was the spacefaring army serving the Crown. They were officially based on Earth, however, they had stations on every planet in the Inner-System and a handful scattered about the Outer-System. The Spacefleet existed to protect both the Crown and her interests, as well as those ships on trading routes that were often hunted and targeted by pirates during the Third Golden Age of Piracy. The Spacefleet dedicated about 20% of its resources to hunting down pirates as a preventative measure, though many argued that was not nearly enough.   There were hundreds of thousands of ships officially in the Spacefleet on average at any given time during the Crown's reign, sometimes even surpassing one million ships. Unofficially, there were likely far more. As the true extent of the Crown's less than public actions have yet to be fully uncover, and perhaps never will be, we can only guess at the true number of ships that were operating in the Outer-System.   Through contracts with the various starship companies, the Crown was able to acquire these ships at a much lower cost than would be expected. Of course, that doesn't mean that the owners of these companies weren't being paid outrageous amount of credits to make these ships. It can be argued that many of those famous Venus parties that have been mythologized were funded entirely by the Spacefleet in this way.   The effectiveness of the Spacefleet's mission to protect the trade routes from pirates is somewhat debated. Some will argue that the Third Golden Age of Piracy would never have happened at all if the Spacefleet had been as effective as they claimed to be. Others point out that it is hard, if not impossible, to fight against the pirates, seeing as they were not organized. It is, these people will say, much harder to track down every individual than it is to destroy a true organization.

Cover image: by Pixabay


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Aug 19, 2024 00:34 by Marjorie Ariel

The debate over how effective Space Fleet was probably has good arguments on both sides. I have to wonder if some of the more clandestine affairs of the crown involving the ships will tip the scales on the matter... if and when they come out.