The Light Bringers

The Light Bringers were a very pointedly titled offshoot of the Light Seekers. The Light Seekers were a somewhat fringe religion, worshiping the Sun and considering the Void to be the enemy. While the Seekers stayed in the Inner System, mostly residing on or around Mercury, the Bringers would settle in the Outer System. The thought was that the Bringers would, true to their name, bring the light and truth of the Sun to those parts of the System that were farthest removed from it. They preached that the Sun must be a living this, a God that brings life intentionally. The Void, being a place where life cannot naturally inhabit, must then be the enemy of life and the Sun. Bringers were largely seen as strange and were not understood as being different from the Seekers by those not familiar with their movement.   The Seekers preached against venturing to far from the Sun's light, declaring travel through the Void to be a sort of evil that should only be engaged with when unavoidable. There were ritual to cleanse from travel as well, if needed. The Bringers, however, had no such hang ups about traveling through the Void. They considered it to be a defiance of the Void, a way to bring the light and life that the Sun creates to fight back the Void. Bringers would sometimes board ships travelling great distances, either stowing away, posing as sailors or actually working as sailors, to engage with this practice.   Many star sailors were not happy to find a Bringer among their crew. Often, they would not be overly skilled at their work and they would spend far to much time preaching to the rest of the crew about their beliefs, attempting to convert as many as they could into Sun worship. Further, some Bringers would hunt Witches. It is unknown how many actual Witches they found and killed by Bringers, but it is certainly a much smaller number than the amount of non-Witches they killed under false assumptions. At the time, Witches were a rare enough thing that they were largely considered a myth.     Technically, there are still Bringers today. There numbers are even fewer than they were at their height and they are largely considered foolish, old-fashioned and somewhat dangerous.

Cover image: by Pixabay


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