Void Runes

Void Runes, also known as Witch Runes or simply Runes, are the symbols used by Witches to preform Witchcraft. The Runes can be drawn, carved, painted, traced and so on, as long as they are manifested in physical reality. Runes can, in some cases, be made permanent and be reactivated at a later time, if that was the intent when they were initially created.   Some Witches have gotten Runes tattooed on them for a number of reasons, though these tattoos are never quite a complete spell. There will always need to be something done to activate the spell. One example would be a Witch with Runes tattooed on her hand. There could be the parts of several spells within these Runes, but they would only ever activate once she traced one of several possible different Runes on her palm.   Another reason to tattoo a Rune would be to increase the strength of a spell. This Rune could be used for other spells later as well, of course, but the initial act of etching it into your flesh would be enough to truly please the Void.   Every Witch I've spoken to as told me that the Runes come from the Void itself. That when they preform Witchcraft, they are tuning into a different layer of reality and the Runes are fed to them from there. They allow the Void to guide their hands, letting themselves channel the Void as part of the process of casting a spell. I have to wonder, then, are the Runes themselves important, or is it the act of opening oneself up to the Void that allows the spell to work?   There are some who believe that the Runes are the purest form of language that exists. That if we were ever able to properly read these Runes, the universe would open to us all in the same way it seems to be open to those who are Voidtouched. Those that strive for this, seem to look away from the fact that any Witch who has gone so far as to become Voidtouched no longer has any need for the Runes. There is no middle step between them and the Void itself, no reason for a tool to be used to channel it. Though, perhaps there is something there. Perhaps the purest form of the Runes is something none but the Void and its children can understand.

Cover image: by Pixabay


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