Void Sirens

Not to be confused with Sirena De Ville, a pirate Captain from the Third Golden Age of Piracy, also known as the Siren of the Void due to her beauty and cannibalistic nature. Void Sirens are a debatably real phenominon that has been reported by a number of star sailors over the years. The accounts may be nothing but confusion, hallucinations, or pure fantasy. However, some Witches have reported on witnessing events that are quite similar to reported Void Siren sightings.   The myth is that if you are on a starship, off in the Outter System, and you are caught in a storm of space dust, the Void Sirens may seek you. They will appear to you through the dust, digging into your mind to give you visions of what you desire most in the world. They will sing to you, otherworldly and haunting, a song you will not be able to block out through any means as it is being given directly to your own mind. The Void Sirens will call to you, luring you off your ship. They want you to leap into the Void, to join them in their endless dance. Some believe that you die if you follow their singing, others believe that you become like them. A spirit, unmoored in time, singing to get more star sailors to join you in your unending journey.   It is common practice for more reasons than this myth to tie oneself to the mast of a ship with a security line during such storms. These lines will sometimes be cut by sailors in the middle of storms for reasons unknown. This myth could be a way of explaining such an act. The Void Sirens will not appear to everyone on the crew, if they do appear, according to the myths. They will instead only appear to those they wish to take.     The accounts that we have of Void Sirens are given by those who claim to have heard and then resisted the call. Sailors are known to exagerate, of course, and Witches are sometimes no better. It is, therefore, safe to assume that Void Sirens are nothing but a story. Then again, there are such strange things in the world.

Cover image: by Pixabay


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