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†Elaine Corva

Dame Elaine Corva

Physical Description

Body Features

Standing at a lithe and graceful stature, Elaine possessed an ethereal beauty that seemed to have been crafted by the hands of elven artisans themselves. Her long, scarlet hair cascaded down her back like a silken waterfall, framing an elegantly chiseled face. Her piercing, emerald-green eyes held the wisdom of centuries, a testament to her elven heritage, and gleamed with an unwavering determination.

Apparel & Accessories

Elaine's attire, fitting for her dual roles as a vampire hunter and knight, was a harmonious blend of strength and elegance. She wore a suit of intricately designed armor, forged from the finest materials, adorned with intricate patterns and pracitcal features. A flowing cape, the color of midnight, billows behind her, adding a touch of regal grandeur to her appearance.

Specialized Equipment

Her weapon of choice, a flaming greatsword, bears the marks of countless battles against the undead. It is not just a tool for combat but a symbol of her unwavering commitment to protecting the realm from the undead scourge.

Mental characteristics


Elaine was trained by her family in the art of hunting undead. From a young age she studied the weaknesses, behaviors, and attributes many of the undead possessed and became an expert at fighting them.


In her role as a vampire hunter, Elaine was renowned for her expertise in tracking and dispatching the undead. Her knowledge of vampire lore, honed over years of dedicated study, was unparalleled. She possessed a keen intellect and an innate ability to anticipate the cunning and unpredictable nature of vampires.   As a knight of the Kingdom of Bithrop, Elaine was a paragon of honor and chivalry. She was admired for her unswerving dedication to her people, her loyalty to the throne, and her bravery in the face of danger. Her fellow knights and subjects looked up to her as a source of inspiration and a symbol of the kingdom's strength.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Slaying the vampire Thorgoc Thorescu in Eladriff, The Otral Commonwealth.
  • Thwarting a vampiric plot to infiltrate the court of King Valdemar Harbreck in Dulkahm.
  • Saving Grimsby from an organized ghoul attack.
  • Various adventuring accomplishments throughout Erde.

Personality Characteristics


Elaine strives to thwart the undead wherever they strike and keep the citizens of Bithrop safe from incursion.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Reading and Research: Elaine was an avid scholar of vampire lore and dark creatures. She spent countless hours poring over ancient texts and manuscripts, seeking to expand her knowledge of the undead and their weaknesses.
  • Horseback Riding: Knights in the Kingdom of Bithrop often honed their equestrian skills. Elaine was no exception and enjoyed riding her trusted steed through the kingdom's picturesque landscapes.
  • Training: Elaine was committed to honing her combat skills. She regularly engaged in sparring sessions with her fellow knights to maintain her fighting prowess and ensure she was always ready for the challenges that lay ahead.
  • Music: In the tranquility of her private moments, Elaine enjoyed playing musical instruments such as the lyre. Though not graced with a mastery of the art, her music possessed a certain grounded eloquence.

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Valor: Elaine was exceptionally brave and courageous. She fearlessly confronted vampires and other dark creatures, even in the face of overwhelming odds. Her unwavering valor inspired those around her.
  • Loyalty: Loyalty was one of Elaine's most defining virtues. She was fiercely devoted to her kingdom, its people, and her fellow knights. Her loyalty to her friends and mission was unwavering.
  • Honor: As a knight, Elaine upheld a strong code of honor. She conducted herself with integrity, fairness, and a deep sense of duty. Her commitment to honorable actions set a high standard for those who served alongside her.
  • Compassion: Beneath her tough exterior, Elaine possessed a deep well of compassion. She cared for the welfare of her fellow knights and the innocent people of her kingdom. Her empathy guided her actions, ensuring she protected not only from physical threats but also from suffering.
  • Determination: Elaine's resolute determination was a driving force behind her success as a vampire hunter and knight. She pursued her goals with unwavering commitment, never giving up in the face of adversity.

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Stubbornness: Elaine's determination could sometimes border on stubbornness. While it served her well in many situations, it also led to conflicts with those who had differing opinions or approaches.
  • Impatience: Given the urgency of her mission, Elaine could be impatient at times. Waiting for the right moment or seeking diplomatic solutions was not always her first instinct.


Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
1270 1432 162 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by a Banshee
Place of Death
Dul Durahl
Current Residence
Aligned Organization


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