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Donavan Korvus

"Hello young man, welcome to my shop. Please don't break anything!"  


  Donavan Korvus is the owner of T'Fallow's Books, the shop visited by Szwin Corva upon entering Last Haven. After Szwin introduced himself and expressed the need for work, Donavan agreed to let him work in the store; carrying and sorting books, and carrying for the collection.   While experimenting with The Jewel of Anillaxis, Szwin contacted Donovan, who seemed to be aware of his presence. When Szwin expressed he'd be away for awhile, the old man expressed his best wishes, and wished the elf safe travels.   Upon Szwin's return to Last Haven after the Aes-Kroll Star Skimmer Incident, Szwin returned to work at T'Fallow's books until he the shop was attacked by Deep Ones, which sent Korvus into a nervous state of mental instability.

Mental characteristics


Donavan Korus is the owner of T'Fallow's Books. He keeps a vast collection of popular and rare books collected from travelers across the planes.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1354 78 Years old
Ruled Locations


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