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Garun's Crew

Garun's Crew is a gang, comprised of mostly half-orcs, operating in the Eastern Rahulik Empire. They take pleasure in profit and violence, preferring one only marginally over the other.


The gang is especially competent on their home turf. While in Jõgi, most members can move as if practically invisible—taking advantage of alleys, shortcuts, safe houses, and trusted civilians. Additionally, they have contacts with a great many smugglers and fences in Sine.


Garun's Crew was formed in an environment of classist inequality and resentment. Originally starting out as young half orc ne'er-do-wells, the young group began training under Garun's sire, Ragga. After years of training and operation the group became a credible enough threat for the Jõgi City Guard to take notice, patrolling the streets with a eye out for half orcs they deemed to be suspicious.   After the Assassination of Martrogoth, perpetrated inadvertently by gang member †Danuk Gralar, tensions between the Garun's Crew and the Jõgi City Guard became even more strenuous. The added pressure has divided into gang in those who support Gralar and those who'd rather his head wind up on a spike for the trouble he caused.
Founding Date
Illicit, Gang
Training Level


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