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†Danuk Gralar

Danuk Gralar

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Sinewy, large frame

Body Features

His hands are work-worn, yet dexterous.

Facial Features

His ears are more rounded than the average half-orc. His small tusks are usually filed down just enough to not be obvious.

Identifying Characteristics

There is a prominent, large scar down the back between the shoulder blades towards the right hip. His tusks are usually filed to level with lower lip.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity




Mental Trauma

Swallowed by a Behir, had to cut himself out of its esophagus. Intimidated by Draconic creatures ever since.

Personality Characteristics


Finding new ways to make money. Preferably legal ways, but he's willing to compromise. Wants to make sure his father and uncle live good, safe lives, far from the shade of Danuk's infamy. Wants to eventually establish regular communication with his father and uncle that won't put them at risk.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Danuk has a strong kinetic sense, and can move almost silently if necessary.     The delicate procedures and ancient knowledge involved with magic bore Danuk, but he does respect the power magic seems to bring with it.

Likes & Dislikes

  • people watching
  • drawing
  • comfort food
  • the smell of the sea
  • old folks
  • good fights
  • shopping
  • when strangers show him respect
  • practical gifts
  • nosey people
  • snitches
  • rich people that didn't earn their wealth
  • dull blades
  • seagulls
  • Rakshasas
  • Dragons

Virtues & Personality perks

Cooperation is necessary to get things done properly.     is willing to put his morality aside to get something done

Vices & Personality flaws

mildly addicted to flayleaf quick to anger easily resorts to violence

Personality Quirks

grinds his teeth when he's thinking sneers when he's commanded blinks infrequently


Contacts & Relations

Garun, lead gang recruiter
  • close friend in Danuk's youth, like an older brother to Danuk
  • recruited Danuk when the gang was still starting up
Ragga "Halfhead", Garun's sire (Deceased)
  • taught the gang the ways of orc tactics and combat
  • gave Danuk his old falchion (now Woe-Muse)
Ainsley & Ulfric Lancaster, standing gang members
  • Freed from slavers by Danuk and Savannah
Quoice Helltalon
  • The first bounty hunter to get close to Danuk
  • Danuk offered him half of his haul in exchange for protection until the heat was off him
  • Became quick friends with Quoice as their combined power was a force to be reckoned with
  • The pair burnt almost half of their treasure for a home in Last Haven
  • Danuk broke off their partnership in crime after his change of heart, still one good terms
Grul, Giant dockworker
  • resident of Last Haven who grew to be an acquaintance of Danuk & Quoice
Geoffrey Gambrill, black market clothier
  • made Danuk his spidersilk bodysuit, seemed to fancy him and offered a modelling job
'The Painted' Emma Clive
  • previous employer of Danuk and Quoice, not on good terms
Constable Dimrock, guard captain of Last Haven
  • investigated multiple incidents involving Danuk and Quoice
  • relieved them of their charges for the slaying of Lord Krinskild, the Rakshasa and its militia of automatons

Family Ties

Father Uncle

Religious Views

Agnostic, unfamiliar with holy magic

Social Aptitude

Growing up on the lower rungs of his society in a trade town, Danuk had learned to capture the mannerisms and expressions of a fairly broad spectrum of East Rahulik citizens to make good impressions on strangers. Danuk is learning to adapt that expertise to a larger scale, but he has a long way to go.

Danuk is a quarter-Orcish male who grew up in Jogi where he cut his teeth starting up an eventually infamous gang. He is a skilled swordsman, a budding spy, and has a knack for calligraphy and drawing.

Character Location
Current Location
View Character Profile
Year of Death
Circumstances of Death
Devoured by ghouls
Jogi, East Rahulik Empire, Erde
Current Residence
Last Haven, Hfóww Iksfven
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
peach with a desaturated green undertone
276 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"*irritated grunt*" "*calculating grunt*" "*satisfied grunt*"
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Orc Common (East Rahulik Empire?) actively learning Celestial