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Lady Gretel, Gammers, Old Gammer Gretel


Gretel (referred to simply as "Gammers" by the children of Saccharine) is a kindly old woman who oversees the settlement of Saccharine and the surrounding woods. In her charge over the village, she has taken in hundreds of children from locations throughout the planes, offering them the perfect home away from worry and responsibility.

Mental characteristics


Gretel guides the children of Saccharine and watches over them—protecting them as needed from outside dangers. Many believe she's also responsible for the creation of the village infrastructure as well as its maintenance.

Intellectual Characteristics

Gretel is highly intelligent and good spirited in her interactions, especially with children. She has been shown to be capable to make incredible leaps of logic, and is a expert level practitioner of the arcane arts.


Hobbies & Pets

Gretel keeps a gingerbread cat named Yule as a familiar.
Current Location

Cover image: Only I by DpressedSoul


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