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Saccharine is a small hidden village located deep in the heart of the Hargålthrine Forest. The community consists primarily of children, with child-run government and commerce. The village is guided by Gretel and her sisters, who help to shepard the children through the most formative years of their lives.


The city is run through a council government of Elders, appointed through the Rites of Senescence.


The town is surrounded by dense forests, frost worms, and dread fog; making it extremely difficult to get to from the outside world. Additionally, Gretel and her sisters actively work to ward the village from outside and internal harm using supernatural defences.

Industry & Trade

Despite its isolation, the village brings in many oddities from across the planes. This is from children's possessions, Gretel's sisters' visitations, and other means of travel to the far reaches of the world. There is rarely consistency in trading however, and while shops may carry some rare finds, som basic items may be difficult to come by.


Thanks to its proximity to the Hargålthrine forest, the village has an abundance of lumber and fresh game. There is an abundance of food thanks to the town's infrastructure—though much of the foodstuff used for construction has been reinforced by magical means.


Little is known about the history of the village, but some seem to indicate it started with a solitary home in the woods and slowly expanded over the decades. Few aside from the sisters and Bellatrix know of the history of the settlement.


Saccharine is perhaps is unusual terms of its infrastructure, as many of the buildings, surfaces, and structures are build out of candy, sweets, and edible goods.


Sacchrine is surrounded by the Hargålthrine Forest which is in turn surrounded by the Northern Koskarn Mountains. To it's south, the forest borders The Shalelands.
Alternative Name(s)
Paradise, Land of Sweets
Location under
Related Tradition (Primary)

Cover image: Only I by DpressedSoul


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