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Library of Kollane


The library is inhabited and operated by mysterious figures known as worms that walk, who appear to be humanoid shaped collections of writhing worms, shrouded in thick robes and hidden behind porcelain masks. The worms have been show to have a high degree of magical proficiency and the research they carry out in the library is both alien and dangerous.

Contents & Furnishings

The library itself is a magically charged structure and rooms such as the garden and the void room exist on the magics that bind the building. The rooms range from common to lavish in their furnishings, all filled with books pertaining to various areas of study from throughout the planes.


In addition to a sizable treasure room, the library contains many valuable texts, both early additions and those of magical properties. Some of these include:
  • Ancient copy of Unbinding the Fetters
  • Ancient copy of Birth of Light and Truth
  • Ancient copy of the Writ of the Infernal
  • Research on The Voice Stealer
  • The Book of Wicked Foliage
  • The book Senses of the Sightless Ones
  • Eclectic research on the Great Old Ones
The library once also contained sheet music for the Song of Extinction and the demonic section of the Book of the Damned, but these were stolen by Quoice Helltalon. Their current location is unknown.

Hazards & Traps

The library is guarded by it's Keepers, who are highly skilled in arcane combat. Additionally, the library has teleportation traps, anti magic fields, and numerous other defenses against spell casters. Finally, Traverse itself poses numerous hazards for anyone attempting to reach the library in the first place as there is little atmosphere on the moon and the environment is inhospitable without special preparation or resistances.


The Library Keepers appear to allow visitors, provided they are able to make it to the library, so long as the follow the following rules: 
  1. Thou shalt not speak within The Library's walls.
  2. Thou shalt not steal from The Library.
  3. Thou shalt not roam the forbidden sections of The Library.
Parent Location
Environmental Effects
While Traverse is inhospitable, the library has been enchanted to have a breathable atmosphere and controlled climate, making the interior livable for most creatures.


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