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Quoice Helltalon

Quoice Helltalon

Quoice never knew his parents as he was abandoned as a baby in Port Perlis. Pure luck was only thing that saved him from a sad death as a Paladin of Folgrit named Afnari Erelt heard his small cries and immediately took the child under her care. An extremely kind yet strict female Angel-Blooded Aasimar, she raised the boy as best she could while wandering back to the East Rahulik Empire. After his powers began to manifest she concluded that her only option was to leave him with someone who could train him and understand how best to deal with his powers. In Sine she left the budding sorcerer in the hands of Kurkek Badrall who, unbeknownst to Afnari, headed the magical black market in the region.   Under Kurkek, Quoice was forced to endure years of brutal training and was often witness to Kurkek's cruel use of magic and intimidation to abuse and use everyone he encountered. Eventually Kurkek's ambition led him to be the de facto Count of Sine where his abuses became so horrendous that they reached the ears of the Emperor and he was promptly arrested and his assets were liquidated. Due to being a close witness(and victim) of Kurkek's abuses, Quoice developed a strong distaste for authority to the point that he seeks power to enable him to be free from anyone or anything.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall and just shy of lanky. He is graced with a rather handsome face despite his cursed heritage.

Body Features

Pale blue skin, long jet black hair, and small metallic horns.

Facial Features

Blessed with a handsome face and luminescent green eyes

Identifying Characteristics

Small metallic horns underneath jet black hair and luminescent green eyes

Physical quirks

A forked tongue and a brand which he keeps hidden by constantly wearing a pair of gloves

Special abilities

Able to break things by merely touching them as if he controlled entropy itself. Can see in all darkness, even that of a magical nature. A spirit so free that both mental and physical restraints have a difficult time containing him. Can slip into the depths of hell to suddenly reappear a short distance away when needed.

Apparel & Accessories

A set of worn looking dark leather pants and belt, riding leather boots, a dark grey gambeson, a hooded cloak that can double as shield in dire circumstances. Upon intimate inspection it can be seen that his clothes are rife with hidden pockets where he can quickly stash items if needed. Most of his items are kept in a well made backpack that seems to hold many more items then a space that size could normally carry. On the ring finger of his left hand rests a golden ring with an intricate rope carving etched into it.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

After Kurkek's arrest and subsequent liquidation of all his assets, Quoice was deemed to have been essentially held hostage most of his life and thus innocent of all involvement in Kurkek's crimes. However this left him with little aside from what the Empire deemed it legally could leave him in the form of coinage. Thus Quoice set out to live his own life, the taste of true freedom sweetly burning in his lungs.   With the money from the Empire he purchased what he needed from the shops in Sine. His mind wandered as he filled what needs he needed to fill and the desire to secure his freedom no matter what rose to the surface. To do that the first thing he determined he needed was money, as much as he could get and as quick as possible. This then led to him taking up a bounty to seek out and capture Danuk Gralar for Sine's recently instilled magical license issuer. His predecessor had been replaced during Kurkek's arrest as he had been found to be working for the crime lord.   When Quoice finally encountered Danuk as he was escaping his father's house, where upon confronting each other Danuk offered him a sizable amount of coin to forgo his contract and to escape the Empire together. Seeing this as an opportunity to both say 'fuck authority' and gain a sizable amount of money in the process, Quoice readily agreed and the pair set off on their escape. The form of which came in an inter-planar boat that took them to Last Haven.   In Last Haven the pair earned money and purchased a house within the floating city. During a harrowing encounter after where Quoice posed as a prostitute using magical means to disguise himself and Danuk would then rob/kill the victims. They encountered a woman who summoned Bahir during the robbery and Quoice watched as he shortly known friend was swallowed whole by the beast. Thinking Danuk dead Quoice fled back to their house and licked his wounds, much to his (pleasant)surprise Danuk managed to carve his way out of the beasts gullet to make it home.   Soon he and Danuk became entangled with a Rakshasa named Lord Krinskild, eventually becoming trapped within a dimensional space connected by a landscape panting of a mansion and it's grounds after destroying the painting within the mansion in order to cut himself off from Krinskild's wrath. Using a book he had discovered he could communicate with something claiming to be Belial, he offered up a portion of his soul in exchange for his and Danuk's passage out of the space.   A series of events then led to the pair ending up at the heart of the Aes-Kroll Star Skimmer Massacre, where Quoice struck the killing blow on Krinskild by hitting him with a lightning bolt through the walls of several rooms in one of the Skimmer's cars. After he used his remaining strength to destroy the rear engine of the Skimmer which had been separated from the rest of the vehicle by an explosive charge used during the start of the massacre thus saving not only himself but the city of Tattingburn.   Despite their earlier string of crimes that had led them down the path they found themselves on, the pair's inadvertent saving of the city was enough to grant them a pardon of past crimes. When released from where they were being held Danuk and Quoice parted ways on good terms (Danuk picking a coin off of Quoice as a parting gift to himself). Not quite sure what to do with himself now that the closest thing he had had to a friend was seemingly out of his life for the near future, Quoice found himself at an Inn where he was reunited with a pair of folks he had encountered during the massacre Sedona and Szwin. Thinking that they had access to information that might aid him, after his two new acquaintances had turned in for the night Quoice crept up stairs to sabotage their door so that he might know of them attempting to leave the following morning. Upon touching the door he was drawn into a mindscape with them that they later escaped, their luck must have been touched by a dark hand as they woke up upon a boat floating in the midst of a massive mangrove forest with trees that towered up into the clouds and waters as deep as the ocean. After searching the boat they found visceral evidence of mayhem in the forms of hacked up corpses and insane scrawls written into the walls of the Captain's Quarters. Quoice searched the room and found a demon heart in a desk which he used to bargain with Belial to get the trio back to Last Haven. A massive storm blew them across the world eventually shattering their boat and dumping them in the ocean about 3 days away from their destination. Perhaps in the form of divine pity they were picked up from the ocean and brought back to Last Haven with massive injuries.     Out of a desire to protect himself a bit more and to have Szwin and Sedona owe him a favor, he offered to let them stay in his house in the city. Sedona surprised him by discovering a hidden basement that was accessed by an elevator disguised as their dining room table that also had access to the Mesh Nets that are dangerous tunnels winding around beneath Last haven.




Trained in magic and a variety of other things by a magical crime lord, named Kurkek Badrall.


Self employed, under diabolical contract against his will

Accomplishments & Achievements

Landing the killing blow on Lord Krinskild, derailing/detonating the rear engine of the Star Skimmer to save the city of Tattingburn, a range of crimes ranging from arson to breaking and entering with a sprinkle of murder

Failures & Embarrassments

Forced to enter a diabolical contract to save himself

Mental Trauma

Abuse at the hands of Kurkek has left him with a strong hatred of authority and those who seek to control others through coercive and underhand means, though he uses these same methods himself to get what he wants

Intellectual Characteristics

Prone to making sudden decisions with little regard to the consequences to those around him, unless he sees that it will benefit him in some way either now or in the future to help them instead. Has a soft spot for Aasimar's as they remind him of the brief time he spent with his adoptive mother Afnari though no one he's spent time around has witnessed this yet. Though on a casual basis so long as they are not actively annoying him in some way Quoice is generally polite.

Morality & Philosophy

Very few and far between, values own freedom above pretty much anything else and the power to keep it.


Incarceration of any kind, abuse of authority, and authority in general

Personality Characteristics


Freedom and the power to keep it.

Vices & Personality flaws

Lust for power and an massive distaste for authority


Contacts & Relations

Danuk Gralar - Friend/Partner in Crime   Szwin Corva - Acquaintance/Tenet/Guy who owes him shit   Sedona - Acquaintance/Tenet   Afnari Erelt - Adoptive mother/Paladin of Folgrit   Kurkek Badrall - Adoptive father/Crime lord

Family Ties

Parents Unknown

Religious Views

Has physical proof of devils burned into his body and thus logically assumes(hopes) that a good aspect must exist outside the mortal plane as well.

Social Aptitude

Can talk well to most people, barring nobles as he cant help but let his natural distaste for them slip into his tone. His handsome face aids him in most interactions as well and can even add to his intimidating nature when he decides to use it.

Wealth & Financial state

A two bedroom house with a hidden basement in Last Haven

Quoice is a pale blue skinned Div-Spawn Tiefling with long black hair, small metallic horns poke out of his hair, and luminescent green eyes shine under dark bangs. A sorcerer of ill-repute and renown who does as he pleases.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Evil, Formerly Chaotic Neutral
Unknown Most Likely Port Perlis
Parents (Adopting)
Luminescent Green
Jet Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Blue
6ft 1in
190 Lbs.
Known Languages
Common, Abyssal, Infernal, Orc, Elven, and learning Celestial