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Locomotives are a fairly new technology, enabling travel, trade, and services to be transported over vast distances. Many scientists gather to discuss their propulsion systems, while many gather to marvel at these inventions in awe and fear.   Locomotives are alchemical in nature, require substantial mechanical engineering to maintain, magical intuition to assess, and mass transit knowledge to guide. They require a full team to operate, though this can be automated (as seen with the Aes-Kroll Star Skimmer).


Transportation of goods, services, and people between cities.


Locomotives are built in a variety of designs out of numerous materials, each adapted to the particular environment they are required to operate in. There are currently three known classes:
  Skimmers—are light-framed locomotives designed for aquatic and atmospheric transportation. Their tracks and cars are made from an incredibly rare metal from the Plane of Air, and they propel themselves by alchemically adapting their surrounding resources (ie water, vapors, etc).
  Runners—are medium-framed locomotives designed for generally habitable environments. Their carts and tracks are made from iron, steel, and other local metals, and they propel themselves through steam power.
  Chargers—are heavy framed locomotives designed for inhospitable environments. Their carts are made from highly durable materials, such as siccatite and adamantine, and they propel themselves through coal fired engines.
Godrielal Lampshire STAC, Silvian Nefradorn STAC, Caden Quild STAC, Norrdia Palmer, Kyllo Duetrott
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