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Society of Tinkerers, Artisans, and Craftsmen

The Society of Tinkerers, Artisans, and Craftsmen is a highly skilled, highly advanced inter-planar guild of tinkerers, artisans, and craftsmen who offer their services to clients across the civilized worlds.


Non-Leadership position guild members are considered to be a part of one of two stations: master and apprentice. Initiates are assigned a master upon entry to the guild regardless of outside accolades or skill level, and remain in apprenticeship until they are capable of completing the STAC Trials in their respective profession. Some apprentices spend years training for these tests, a few are born naturals, but none are masters until they have been completed.   Once competed, the apprentice is considered a master, and given rights of contracts, voting, and other benefits the befitting the title. Being a master does not mean that their training is finished however, and masters must continue output exceptional work to retain their status.


The guild has access to a wide network of communications and resources across vast distances, and can quickly establish support in cities they have connections with. Their reputation means they are also treated relatively neutral, and remain largely un-involved with political matters outside the guild.
Founding Date
Guild, Craftsmen
Alternative Names


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