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Nestled at the foot of the the Southern Koskarn Mountains, Meirrah is the last settlement before the mountains leading into the Kingdom of Kessin.


Registered Magig: Magic is practiced, in Meirrah's city limits. However, casters must be licensed to practice circa the Practitioner's Registration Decree, which was instituted throughout the Rahulik Empire. Failure to register may result in a fine and/or up to a year in prison—depending on the severity of the magic used. Oddly, divine casters and alchemist are not viewed as casters by the wording of the law, though alchemists may still have to report particularly dangerous reagents.


Meirrah is serviced by the Salie River, which forms in the Koskarn Mountains and flows into the Bezgaligs Sea. The elevation is 7,867 due to the mountains, giving it the highest elevation in the region. It is surrounded by The Galikshrin Forest.

Natural Resources

  • Fish
  • Mining
  • Lumber
  • Hunting
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization
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