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Kurkek Badrall

Lord Badrall

Physical Description

Facial Features

Kurkek is known for his angular features and dark facial hair. His presence is both striking and intimidating to many who see him, an exploit he uses to his full advantage in his everyday dealings.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kurkek Badrall was once a one of the most reputable men in the Eastern Rahulik Empire, until his brutality and cruelty caught the attention of the Empire. After his title stripped and he was thrown in prison for his abuses and illicit dealings, he began negotiating his release, eventually leaving prison on bail awaiting a trial that (given the corruptibility of city officials) would likely never arrive.   With his reputation in tatters, Badrall leaned into another attribute he was known for: fear. Using his connections with the criminal underworld, he quietly disappeared from the public eye and began operating in the shadows; slowly rebuilding his assets and power to their former glory.


Kurkek was a longtime student at Eagle's Beak College of the Arcane. While a student, he refined his skills to an impeccable degree, with many of his peers and faculty recognizing him as an expert practitioner of the arcane arts.


Once the de facto Count of Sine, Kurkek's primary remaining asset is Badrall Distributions, a trading company and front for his underground trading practices.

Intellectual Characteristics

Kurkek is an expert planner and master of logistics, capable of getting smuggled goods where they're needed without detection. He is capable of working with fences, gangs, smugglers, and movers in order to get things done and can orchestrate highly complicated plans.

Morality & Philosophy

Kurkek is a ruthless negotiator, and a brutal man who utilizes intimidation and magical prowess to accomplish his goals. He has no qualms using threats, and following through on said threats, provided they help to further his personal goals.


Family Ties

Quoice Helltalon—Ward/Adoptive Son

Wealth & Financial state

After his assets were frozen by the Eastern Rahulik Empire, Badrall's finances were significantly diminished. However, with the retention of Badrall Distributions, and his underground contacts, he remains extremely well connected and financially stable enough to play a prominent role in the region's criminal scene.
Lawful Evil
Current Location
Current Residence
Salt and Pepper
Aligned Organization


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