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The Savaan Desert


The Savaan Desert is an enormous desert on the Erdean contient Oweron. It consists of numerous regions.  
  • The Sanguine Flats are an expanse of desert in the northeastern part of Savaan that feature huge swathes of empty, barren lands. The flats are considered uninhabitable, but have proven a comfortable home for various desert dwelling creatures—such as dragons.
  • The Soundless Wastes are an area to the far east of Savaan that border the Southern Fellspires with the Shalelands and Neekbreck Marshes.
  • The Withered Lowlands are a region North of Mount Balaur that consist of sweeping dunes and low ravines.
  • The Southern Expanse is a region just north of The Salt Coast and features several canyon systems—including the Astrill and Merlgrouse Canyons.
  • The Salt Coast refers to Savaan's costal border to the Cassimire Sea, where huge salt deposits are commonly found.
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