Foní tou Mitropolitikoú Symvoulíou

The Foní tou Mitropolitikoú Symvoulíou is a strictly ceremonial position within the Estinos Orthodox Church of Alcor. At the convocation of a Metropolitan Council, each Mitropolítis of the Twelve First Churches will speak in the Question of Institution, followed by voice vote. Once one of the Mitropolítanes receives the assent of the Council, they assume the title, and the convocation is called into order. If all twelve speak, but none gains assent, then the Summons to Council is void and the Mitropolítanes are released back to their Synods.   The order in which the Mitropolítanes of the Twelve First Churches speak is this:
  1. Mitropolítanis of Estinos
  2. Mitropolítanis of Itaros
  3. Mitropolítanis of Heshelayuv
  4. Mitropolítanis of Qemish
  5. Mitropolítanis of Mashayuv
  6. Mitropolítanis of Ekko
  7. Mitropolítanis of Ikhbotin
  8. Mitropolítanis of Kandul
  9. Mitropolítanis of al-Sayyad
  10. Mitropolítanis of Makhtunna
  11. Mitropolítanis of Roleshkdad
  12. Mitropolítanis of Amurelio
The Question of Institution must be worded this way, "Brother's and Sisters, will you consent to bestowing upon me the responsibility to conduct this meeting according to our ancient bylaws?" No other form is acceptable, and no vote following any other form is binding.


  • Must be a Mitropolítan of one of the Twelve First Churches
  • Must be affirmed by a voice vote, following the Question of Institution in its proper form, of the summoned Mitropolítanes prior to the convocation of the Council


  • Convoke the Symvoúlio Mitropolitón (Metropolitan Council), following their affirmation in office
  • Conduct the debate and formal votes of the Symvoúlio according to the strict parliamentary rules laid out at the Council for the Orthodoxy of the Faith in 310.
  • Act as First Signatory to any Canons ratified by the Symvoúlio.
  • Dismiss the Symvoúlio upon affirmative vote by the Mitropolítanes that the business of the convocation is concluded

Cultural Significance

In some ways, this office, and the refusal of the Rustan to accept it, led to the East-West Schism that split the main body of the Alcorite faith. It should be noted, however, that deeper divisions were already extant and boiling to the surface, so had this not precipitated the split, it likely would have come in any case.

Notable Holders

Mitropolítis Ántoni tou Estinoú (Anthony of Estinos), who was holder of the title at the time of the East-West schism.
Religious, Special
In effect, ceremonial, and only active during a convoked Symvoúlio Mitropolitón
Articles and Bylaws of the Church, passed at the Council for the Orthodoxy of the Faith of 310
Form of Address
Alternative Naming
Voice of the Metropolitan Council
Source of Authority
Summoned Mitropolítanes prior to a Metropolitan Council
Length of Term
Duration of a Metropolitan Council's Meeting
Related Organizations


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