
Each local Church is led autonomously by its Epískopos, but they are expected to remain part of the larger community of faith. As such the local Churches are organized into Synods. The historical head Church of each Synod (usually, but not always determined by which local Church is the oldest in the Synod) is led by an Epískopos who is selected by the vote of the other Epískopoi in the Synod, and they bear the title Mitropolítan. It is the duty of the Mitropolítan to convoke a regular (usually annual or biannual) meeting, called a Sýnodos Episkópon, over which they preside. They are also expected to represent the ecclesiastial and theological viewpoint of the Synod at any Symvoúlio Mitropolitón.


Must be a member of the Klíros holding at least the rank of Próto Aderfós, Archigós, or Archiepískopos, though they are usually selected from one of the already extant Epískopoi of the Synod.


May not be of greater than 50 years of age at the time of investiture.


Upon the death, retirement, or dismissal of a Mitropolítis, the Epískopoi of the Synod will convene at the associated church. They meet in secret until they unanimously agree to a successor Mitropolítis, who is immediately invested, and all previous titles and duties are laid aside.


  • Preside over regular meetings of the Sýnodos Episkopón
  • Act as First Signatory to all Sýnodic Edicts, Bulls, Statements, and Summons
  • If directed by the Epískopoi during a Sýnodos Episkópon, issue a Summons to all other Mitropolítanes for a Symvoúlio Mitropolitón, with a list of Questions to be addressed and a Proposed Date of Convocation. The Place of Meeting is always the home Church of the Summoning Mitropolítan
  • If Summoned, travel to a proposed convocation of a Symvoúlio Mitropolitón
  • Preside over the excommunication of heretics, when so directed by the Epískopoi of the Synod.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

A Mitropolítan may be dismissed at any time for any reason by a unanimous vote of at least two-thirds of the Episkopoi of the Synod. Furthermore, if a Mitropolítan is Summoned to a Symvoúlio Mitropolitón, but is not physically able to travel due to infirmity, or refuses to so travel for any other reason, they are automatically summarily dismissed from office. Finally, short of death, a Mitropolítan may choose to retire, but they must do so fully, forsaking all membership in the Klíros from that day forward until their death.
Religious, Clerical
Form of Address
Your Beatitude
Source of Authority
Election by the Epískopoi of their home Synod
Length of Term
From election until death or dismissal by the Epískopoi of the Synod via unanimous vote of at least two-thirds of their number
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