
Itaros is an ancient city and was once the capital of the Itaros Imperium. Currently, it is the center of the Regno d'Itara.


According to legend, Verus Etarus, a refugee from the fall of the legendary city-state of Etarias, founded Itaros sometime around 6400 AF. Those same legends tell of Rex Iulius Tarenneus, a king of Itaros, who abdicated in favor of founding a republic. Problematically, the timing of the legendary founding of the settlement and of the abdication of this king are in conflict.

What is known for certain is that the Itarosan Republic, which was the governing city-state of Itaros, was founded in 6520 AF. Some evidence of an earlier monarchy exists, including reference to Rex Iulius Tarenneus, though records from that period are incomplete, at best. Four centuries later, in 6935 AF, Brontos Dorus Maraelis received the Imperatoria Corona, becoming the first Emperos of the Itaros Imperium and ending the Itarosan Republic.

During the Imperium, grand monumnets rose throughout the city. Its population soared over a million strong. Itaros became the center of wealth and power on the Corvalan continent. That status was diminished a little when Estinos IV Magnus designated Estinople as the co-capital of the Imperium. The true end of Itarosan power, however, came when marauding orcs, led by Ghrawraash, vanquished the defensive forces of Itaros and sacked the city for thirty days before departing. In the wake of its sacking, Itaros' population fell to barely a tenth of its previous level, and the entire western end of the Imperium fell.

Though still a substantial city, in terms of population, Itaros has struggled geopolitically since Ghrawraash sacked it. For four decades, it was governed, poorly, by remnants of the Western Senate, in what was called the Civitas Itaras. In 7812 AF, Silvius Bertuccio gathered a band of warriors, stormed the senate chambers, killed any who opposed him, and appointed himself Rex Silvius I, King of Itara. The Kingdom has waxed and waned several times since then, but has remained generally stable, politically. As a result, the city has seen some improvement in status and prosperity, though huge swaths of it remain in ruins.

Founding Date
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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