The Sirens

The Sirens are a guild of land-based pirates who operate from a series of coves just west of Vvathaf. They maintain a thieves' guild in the city to move their illicit cargoes.


The Sirens are led by Arminius Dexter Ambrosius, an exile from Estinopolis who styles himself the Siren King. His organization has two arms - the Fleet, and the Fence.  

The Fleet

The Fleet is just what it sounds like - a seagoing fleet of ships, each commanded by a captain. The Sirens boast 8 cogs and 4 caravels. These vessels attack merchant shipping on the Mare Orientalem, stealing the cargo and burning the ships to the waterline, after murdering any surviving crew. They also excel at luring military vessels into traps near shore, where the full fleet falls on them and destroys them. It is this tactic that has given the organization its name. The Siren King leads the Fleet personally.  

The Fence

The Fence is the land-based thieves' guild based in Vvathaf that liquidates the Fleet's illicit cargoes. It has operated efficiently enough that it has begun branching out into extortion, smuggling, and slave-trading. The Fence is led by a woman known only as Moonbeam. She is rumored to be human or half-elven, though that is only rumor. What is certain is that she is ruthless, not hesitating to kill to further her organization's aims. The numbers involved with the Fence are uncertain, but it is believed that they number in the high hundreds or low thousands. Their headquarters is somewhere in the Harbor, but they have safehouses throughout the city.
Illicit, Syndicate
Leader Title
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