Tuh-Shenfadth Lîfidîth

Tuh-Shenfadth (Lich Queen) Riynûdth Tur (a.k.a. Lîfidîth)

Dates presented here are according to the Elvish Calendar.  

Lîfidîth was the fourth child of Ifodô Eyah Tur of Ãkthi. She siezed the throne at the end of the Tur Succession Crisis. She instituted a reign of terror and ruled Ãkthi and others with an iron fist. She also conquered the dwarven realm of Ghrinzhekk and the Ãkthi colonies of Ãthuna and Leygyi.

There were no fewer than fifty attempts to depose or defeat her. In some conflicts, she lost territory, but she generally remained undefeated until a band of Priests of Corellon Larethian banded together and cast her out of Ãkthi in 7984 AF. She was succeeded by the leader of this circle of priests - Efelun I, the High Priestess (Yeruk Chish, in the Ãkthunun tongue).

She returned to power briefly in 8089, but disappeared in the middle of a council meeting and has not been seen or heard from since.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lîfidîth was born Riynûdth Tur, the fourth and youngest child of Ifodô Eyah Tur, Ruler of Ãkthi. Her twisted nature and cruel disposition earned her the adult name of Lîfidîth, which means "Dark One." In her depravity, she embraced this name, her childhood name now all but lost to history.

In 5765 AF, the last of Lîfidîth's siblings, Lifîthsûsiswan, died without an heir, leaving none save Lîfidîth to inherit the title of Ifodô of Ãkthi. There was great mourning in the woodland streets of the High Elven city for a full season, but when Lîfidîth was crowned, she commanded all who mourned her ascension to the Jaspar Throne to be put to the death. In the space of thirteen days, nearly fifty thousand elves died. The brutality of her reign was laid bare for all to see, and none dared challenge her.

In 5793 AF, an Ãthunun nobleman named Hurdthin attempted an invasion of Ãkthi. Lîfidîth's forces quickly routed Hurdthin and he was executed by her own hand. In retaliation, she ordered her army to go forth and conquer Ãthuna. Three years later, her army returned to Ãkthi victorious, and she was hailed as the Idofô of both Ãkthi and Ãthuna.

After a brief respite, in 5803 AF she sent her forces forth again, this time time to conquer Leygyi. Again, her army was victorious. She commanded her armies to continue their advance southward along the chain of Ãkthunic colonies, but the Ifodô of Esprã was a brilliant strategist and tactician, and her armies were thrown back into the sea to perish.

Her physical bodied died in 5912 AF, during a horrid necromantic ritual in which she transferred the majority of her life-force to a phylactery and became a Lich. From this point, she assumed the title "Tuh-Shenfadth," which means "Lich Queen."

In 6561 AF, she ordered what would be her last successful conquest of her first reign. Eyeing the vast wealth of the dwarves, she ordered an assault on the Stronghold of Ghrinzhekk. After 22 years of fighting, in 6583, her forces prevailed, pushing into the mountain and destroying the dwarven citadel. To this day, the ruins of Ghrozhikh are filled with foul beasts, horrors, and undead servants from Lîfidîth's conquest.

In 7984, the Twelve Priests of Corellon Larethian, led by Yeruk Chish Efelun I banished Lîfidîth from Ãkthi. It is not clear where she went or where she is reconstituting, as her phylactery was not found, but it is certain that all trace of her essence is gone from Ãkthi.

On 57 Thuyir, 8089, Lîfidîth regained the throne, slaying all surviving members of the Council of Yerkâs. In short order, she sent her allies, the Drow of Abæthegar, to sew dissent in the Numuad Hills, and she financed the Primum Coup in Estinople. By 42 Shûsûf, she had captured Sabvath and on 80 Shûsûf, her forces besieged Zhækhtu. In addition, her forces harried the Rejughinâth (Ph'ri Forest), though they found resistance from the inhabitants.

Lîfidîth was last heard from on 82 Fran, 8089, when she suddenly teleported away during a council meeting. She has not been heard from since.

Current Status
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Ifodô of Ãkthi - 5793 to 5912
  • Tuh-Shenfâdth - 5912 to 7984 and again in 8089
Date of Birth
1st day of Shûsûf
Date of Death
91st day of Fran
5161 AF 5912 AF 751 years old
Circumstances of Death
Died in a ritual that made her into a lich, and she continued to rule as such.


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