Ãkthunic Elves

In Eastern Corvalan history, no branch of Elfdom is more important than the Ãkthunic Elves. They arose out of the Great Eastern Elven Culture around 8500 years ago. In the year 1 of the Corvalan Elvish calendar, the legendary Elf-Queen Amirishante founded the ancient realm of Ãkthi, and it is this event this is often heralded as the beginning of Elvish history. Around two thousand years after the founding of Ãkthi, a branch of Ãkthun elves began migrating down the eastern seaboard of Corvalis, founding settlements as they advanced. Because of their colonial expansion, they are often referred to by scholars as the Eastern Founder Elves.   The Ãkthunics advanced in two major waves. In the first, lasting from 2129 to around 2600, according to the Corvalan Elvish calendar, they founded Ãthuna, Leygyi, Esprã, and penetrated into the southern portion of the the continent of Ezhang Liao (forming a new branch of Elfdom, in the process). The second wave was more diffuse and began around five hundred years later and ended with the colonization of Râpôsh and Vehfîm between 3452 and 4235.
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