Garrick Ironwind Character in Strathnora | World Anvil

Garrick Ironwind

Garrick Ironwind, master shipwright of the Ironwind family, stands at an average height with a sturdy build. His weathered hands and calloused fingers tell the tale of years spent working diligently on ship construction. Garrick's salt-and-pepper hair and beard frame a face marked by years of sun exposure, and his keen blue eyes exude a sense of focused determination. He typically wears practical work attire, often adorned with the symbols of his family.  

Role in the Family:

As the master shipwright, Garrick is the driving force behind the Ironwind Shipyard's success. He manages the day-to-day operations, collaborates with clients on ship designs, and ensures that every vessel leaving the shipyard meets the high standards set by the Ironwind family.  


Garrick is keenly aware of the Ironwind family's legacy and strives to enhance it with each ship constructed. He envisions a future where the Ironwind name is synonymous with unmatched craftsmanship and innovation in naval engineering.   Garrick Ironwind's unwavering commitment to the art of shipbuilding has not only solidified the Ironwind Shipyard's standing in Havenport but has also contributed to the family's enduring impact on maritime commerce and naval strength.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Artillerist Prowess:
As an artificer, Garrick is adept at infusing magic into his creations. His specialization as an Artillerist allows him to craft and imbue ships with enchanted weaponry, providing both offense and defense.   Shipwright Expertise:
Garrick's extensive knowledge of maritime engineering enables him to design and construct vessels tailored to specific needs, whether for trade, warfare, or exploration.   Innovative Techniques:
Known for incorporating innovative techniques into traditional shipbuilding, Garrick is always seeking ways to improve efficiency, durability, and performance in naval vessels.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born into the prestigious Ironwind family, Garrick inherited not only the family name but also the responsibility of overseeing the Ironwind Shipyard. From a young age, he displayed a natural affinity for shipbuilding, spending his formative years apprenticing under skilled shipwrights and studying both mundane and magical aspects of the craft.

Intellectual Characteristics

Garrick is known for his meticulous approach to shipbuilding, combining traditional craftsmanship with innovative techniques. As the master shipwright of the Ironwind family, he is both disciplined and pragmatic, valuing precision in every aspect of his work. Garrick's dedication to his craft is complemented by a deep sense of responsibility toward his workers and the legacy of the Ironwind Shipyard.


Garrick Ironwind

Brother (Important)

Towards Thalia Ironwind



Thalia Ironwind

Sister (Important)

Towards Garrick Ironwind



Current Location
Thalia Ironwind (Sister)
Quotes & Catchphrases
"The sea is a canvas, and a ship, my brush. With each stroke, I paint a legacy that sails beyond the horizon."
Aligned Organization

Cover image: Character Header by Appy Pie Design
Character Portrait image: Garrick Ironwind by Appy Pie Design