Havenport Adventurers Guild Senior Members

Being a so called "Senior Member" of the Havenport Adventurers Guild does not necessarily mean that you are old. Rather, being called a Senior Member is meant as a sign of respect, as it means that the individual has achieved a high rank within the Guild, usually between A to C.   These Senior Members are seldom sent out on common jobs or missions, and are usually found resting around the Guild House, but will often perform simple jobs like assisting the Havenport Guard with patrols both to earn some extra money, and also to garner some more fame and prestige. The jobs that they are sent on tend to be extremely dangerous and lengthy, often taking weeks, or even months, to complete. This seldom stops the Senior Members, as they are Adventurers all the same, and seek to explore the continent of Eagos and beyond.   The main way Senior Members make money, however, is by teaching and training the Junior Members. This is not only seen as a way to get money, but also a sort of obligation, as the loss of an Adventurer, no matter how new or weak, is seen as a disaster for the large Guild. As such, Senior Members are required to give at least three general training classes a month, for which they are paid, and often take individual Adventurers, or even whole parties, under their wing.



To have been a member of the Guild for at least a year and have achieved at least C Rank.

Payment & Reimbursement

Senior Members get paid a fixed rate for each lesson they teach, and usually earn any other money doing jobs and quests.

Other Benefits

Senior Members are typically well known amongst the people of Havenport, being at least somewhat famous. They will often recieve discounts on food and other sundries, or even free drinks in exchange for a good story at a pub or tavern.



Senior Members not only teach the Junior Members, but they also take on and complete difficult and lengthy jobs and quests for those that can afford to pay them.

Social Status

Adventurers are seen as lower class by most, but are still recognized for their usefulness in performing odd jobs and clearing out monsters. Many lower class youths, and even lesser Nobles, will join the Guild in ordedr to gain renown and money.


Dangers & Hazards

Death is around every corner for any Adventurer, and this is no different for Senior Members. Just because they are more experienced and powerful does not mean that they cannot die all the same by one small mistake.
Alternative Names
Seniors, Old Guard

Articles under Havenport Adventurers Guild Senior Members

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