Havenport Adventurers Guild Junior Members Profession in Strathnora | World Anvil

Havenport Adventurers Guild Junior Members

Members of the Adventurers Guild who have only been around a short time. The main force of the Guild. Usually ranks C-F.   Many young people dream of joining the Havenport Adventurers Guild, gaining fame and money in the process of going on daring adventures. These folk are often welcomed with open arms by the Guild, though they do have to show some form of prowess in combat in order to do so.



Can you weild a sword or axe? Can you cast spells? Do you have a sense of adventure? If so, you can become a member of the Havenport Adventurers Guild today!

Career Progression

Junior Members of the Guild usually start at Rank F, progressing through the ranks by completing jobs and quests appropriate to their level. To be promoted to the next rank, a Junior Adventurer must successfully complete ten jobs in a row of either their rank, or one rank higher. Special cases can allow a Junior Adventurer to advance ranks faster, but this is uncommon, though not unheard of.

Payment & Reimbursement

Junior Adventurers earn a commision on each job or quest they complete, the amount increasing with rank and difficulty. Rank F jobs usually only pay a handful of coppers, with Rank C jobs often paying upwards of ten gold coins.

Other Benefits

Access to the Havenport Adventurers Guild facilities, including a library and training ground. Junior Adventurers can also attend lectures and lessons taught by Senior Members as well as be trained directly by them.



To complete a variety of jobs ranging from small and simple, to complex and large.


Dangers & Hazards

As with any profession that requires facing monsters, traps, or worse, death is a very real danger. It is not uncommon for many parties to vanish after taking on a job too difficult for their current rank or skill level.
Alternative Names

Articles under Havenport Adventurers Guild Junior Members

Cover image: Adventurers Header by Appy Pie Design