Mor Titanfist

Captain Mor Titanfist, Mr (a.k.a. The One-eyed Fist)

Mor Titanfist stands at a sturdy 4 feet tall, with a robust build characteristic of dwarves. His beard, a proud symbol of his heritage, is simply braided and held in place with a plain black ribbon. His steel-gray eye exude a stern and watchful demeanor. Mor's skin bears the weathered marks of a seasoned warrior, and a scar runs across his left cheek, a testament to battles fought in defense of Havenport.   Dressed in finely crafted dwarven plate armor, Mor carries a warhammer on his back and a battle-worn shield adorned with the emblem of Havenport. Despite his gruff exterior, his uniform is meticulously maintained, reflecting both his dedication to duty and his pride in leading the Havenport Guard.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Expert Swordsman: Mor is a master of traditional dwarven weaponry, wielding his warhammer and shield with exceptional skill. His combat style is both defensive and strategic, making him a formidable opponent.
Tactical Leadership: Mor has a keen tactical mind, efficiently organizing the Havenport Guard to respond to threats and maintain the security of the city. He values discipline and ensures that his guards are well-trained and equipped.
Dwarven Resilience: Mor possesses the innate dwarven resilience, making him resistant to the effects of poisons and granting him exceptional durability in the heat of battle.
Crisis Management: Mor excels at managing crises, whether they be external threats or internal disputes. His ability to keep a level head under pressure has earned him the respect of both his guards and the citizens of Havenport.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born into a family of skilled blacksmiths and warriors in the mountainous regions near Havenport, Mor Titanfist learned the ways of combat and craftsmanship from an early age. His journey to Havenport began when he joined a dwarven militia tasked with aiding nearby human settlements. Mor's exceptional leadership skills and dedication to justice soon caught the attention of the Havenport authorities, leading to his appointment as Captain of the Guard.

Intellectual Characteristics

Mor is not without a sense of humor, albeit a bit dry, and he often shares tales of dwarven folklore and heroic deeds to boost the morale of his guards. However, when duty calls, he expects nothing but the utmost professionalism from himself and his subordinates.

Morality & Philosophy

Mor Titanfist is a disciplined and principled leader, known for his unwavering commitment to the safety of Havenport. He values order and justice, making decisions based on a careful balance between pragmatism and moral integrity. Underneath his stern exterior lies a deep sense of loyalty to the people he protects, and he takes personal responsibility for the well-being of Havenport's residents.

Personality Characteristics


Mor Titanfist is motivated by a deep sense of duty to protect Havenport and its people. His commitment to justice, combined with his love for the city, drives him to ensure that the citizens can go about their lives in safety and peace. Mor is also dedicated to upholding the honor and traditions of his dwarven heritage, embodying the resilience and steadfastness for which dwarves are known.

Personality Quirks

Despite his gruff exterior, Mor has a soft spot for animals, particularly the guard dogs that assist the Havenport Guard. He has been known to adopt and care for stray animals, much to the surprise of those who only know him as a stern captain.


Mor Titanfist

Captain (Important)

Towards Aurelia Skampi



Aurelia Skampi

Lieutenant (Vital)

Towards Mor Titanfist



Mor Titanfist

Captain (Important)

Towards Urvol Banetusk



Urvol Banetusk

Lieutenant (Important)

Towards Mor Titanfist



Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Year of Birth
2341 169 Years old
Current Residence
Havenport Guard Barracks Private Room
Steel grey
Black with grey streaks, short, slicked back.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Related Plots

Cover image: City Guard Header by Appy Pie Design
Character Portrait image: Mor Titanfist by Picrew