The Frosmor Region Organization in Strathnora | World Anvil

The Frosmor Region

The Frosmor Region, situated on the northern side of Eagos, is characterized by its wintry landscapes and frosted forests. It is a land of rugged beauty and formidable challenges.  


The Frosmor Region is defined by its northern location, featuring vast, snow-covered landscapes, frozen lakes, and the towering trees of its large coniferous forests. The challenging terrain and extreme cold contribute to the region's unique character.


The people of the Frosmor Region have adapted to the harsh northern climate. Their clothing, architecture, and daily life reflect a resilience and resourcefulness in the face of perpetual frost.
Geopolitical, Country

Major Settlements:

The capital of the Frosmor Region, Northfort is strategically located for defense against northern threats. Its design likely includes sturdy fortifications and structures adapted to the cold environment.   Other Settlements:
Besides Northfort, there are many smaller towns and villages scattered across the region, each with its own unique characteristics shaped by the challenging northern climate.

Cover image: Frosmor Header by Appy Pie Design
Character flag image: Frosmor Region Crest by Appy Pie Design