The White Peaks

The White Peaks, a majestic mountain range situated in the heart of Eagos, contribute to the continent's grandeur and present a unique and challenging environment.


Dwarven Culture:
The dwarves inhabiting the Haftbreaker Mountains have a rich and unique culture. They are skilled miners, blacksmiths, and architects, with a strong connection to their subterranean realm.   Cultural Adaptations:
The inhabitants of the White Peaks, especially the dwarves, have adapted to the harsh mountain environment. Their clothing, architecture, and traditions reflect the need for resilience in the face of cold temperatures and challenging terrain.
Geopolitical, Country
Geography and Landscape:
The White Peaks form a vast and formidable mountain range covered in snow and ice, especially at higher elevations. The peaks are visible from a great distance, dominating the landscape.   Haftbreaker Mountains:
The Haftbreaker Mountains are the largest range within the White Peaks. These mountains are known for their sheer size, jagged peaks, and treacherous terrain. The name "Haftbreaker" suggests a rugged and formidable nature.   Dwarven Tunnels:
The Haftbreaker Mountains are renowned for the extensive network of dwarven tunnels that wind through their depths. These tunnels are rich in minerals and precious metals, making them of strategic importance.   Three Main Entrances:
The entrances to the subterranean world within the Haftbreaker Mountains are Bash Fort to the west, Fort Weller to the east, and Fort Ash to the north. These entrances are heavily guarded and serve as points of access to the dwarven realm.
Controlled Territories

Cover image: White peaks header by Appy Pie Design
Character flag image: White Peaks Crest by Appy Pie Design