The Magic Wars

The War between the four Traditions of Magic after the death of Herlia Hiver.

Age of Magic

1588 2465

  • 267 AoM

    292 AoM

    Eruption of the Magic Wars
    Military: War

    A minor dispute over control of a powerful magical ley line turns into a full-scale conflict as practitioners from all four traditions clash.   The Magic Wars officially begin, marking the commencement of a 24-year-long period of magical conflict and chaos.

    Additional timelines
  • 267 AoM

    275 AoM

    The Arcane Front
    Military action

    The Arcane tradition, known for its focus on knowledge and manipulation of magical energies, takes the initiative.   Arcane scholars unveil powerful spells and artifacts, attempting to assert dominance over the magical landscape. Arcane-controlled regions become battlegrounds.

  • 275 AoM

    279 AoM

    The Occult Uprising
    Military action

    Practitioners of the Occult tradition, drawn to forbidden and hidden magical arts, seize the opportunity to gain power during the chaos.   Occult rituals and curses become prominent, causing widespread fear and chaos. Occult-controlled territories emerge as dark strongholds.

  • 279 AoM

    285 AoM

    Divine Intervention
    Military action

    In response to the escalating conflict, the Divine tradition, rooted in faith and divine connection, mobilizes its forces.   Divine magic is wielded for both defense and offense, as followers believe they are cleansing the world of forbidden practices. Holy sites become pivotal in the conflict.

  • 284 AoM

    291 AoM

    Primal Backlash
    Military action

    Feeling the imbalance in the magical realms, practitioners of the Primal tradition, attuned to the natural world, rise against the other traditions.   Primal magic invokes the forces of nature, leading to cataclysmic events such as storms, earthquakes, and the awakening of ancient creatures. Primal-controlled territories become untamed and unpredictable.

  • 291 AoM

    The Accord of Herlia
    Diplomatic action

    Representatives from the Arcane, Occult, Divine, and Primal traditions convene to negotiate a peace settlement known as the Accord of Herlia.   Terms of the accord include the establishment of neutral zones, the prohibition of certain magical practices, and the creation of a council representing all traditions to oversee magical affairs.

    Additional timelines
  • 291 AoM

    The Turning Point
    Diplomatic action

    The devastating toll of the Magic Wars becomes apparent as entire regions are laid to waste. Populations suffer from magical fallout, and the world teeters on the brink of collapse.   Leaders from each tradition realize the need for a ceasefire and open diplomatic channels to negotiate an end to the conflict.