History of Strathnora

Age of Arrivals

... 638

  • The Beginning
    The Creation of Strathnora
    Era beginning/end

    The Great Recorder wrote the name of a world that did not exist in the Books of Fates, thus creating the world of Strathnora. Terrified by what he had done, he fled, leaving the world to grow on its own for several millennia.

  • 333 AoA

    Arrival of the Gods
    Population Migration / Travel

    The first of the gods, lesser gods driven from other worlds, found Strathnora, claiming it for themselves.

  • 340 AoA

    Creation of Beasts and Monsters
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The new gods of Strathnora created the first creatures to walk its surface and swim its seas.

  • 350 AoA

    Creation of the Sentient Races
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The gods, now better established in Strathnora, create the first Sentient Races.

  • 355 AoA

    Founding of Neptunia

    The Kingdom of Neptunia is founded by the sentient species of the oceans.

  • 562 AoA

    Arrival of the Dragons
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Dragons discover Strathnora, a large number deciding to stay and live on the world.

  • 601 AoA

    The Elves Ally with the Dragons
    Political event

    The Elves form an alliance with the Dragons in order to learn their Arcane secrets.


Age of Dragons

639 1587

  • 0 AoD

    153 AoD

    Era of Tranquility
    Political event

    Dragons and Mortals coexist peacefully, with dragons revered as guardians of ancient knowledge and magic.   Mortal civilizations flourish, building upon the wisdom shared by dragons.

  • 32 AoD

    Rise of Magical Ambition

    Mortal mages become increasingly ambitious, seeking greater control over magical forces.
      Tensions rise as mortals experiment with forbidden spells and rituals, alarming the dragons.

    Additional timelines
  • 153 AoD

    The Cataclysmic Confluence
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    A group of mortals attempts a ritual to tap into the essence of magic, resulting in a catastrophic surge of uncontrollable magical energy.
      Dragons perceive the disturbance as a threat to the natural balance and declare it the catalyst for war.

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  • 154 AoD

    The Dragon Wars Begins
    Military: War

    A council of ancient dragons declares war on mortal realms to curb the reckless use of magic and restore the natural order.   Dragons descend from their mountain lairs, initiating widespread conflict.

    More reading
    The Dragon Wars
    Additional timelines
  • 155 AoD

    204 AoD

    Magical Confrontations (Early years of the Dragon Wars)
    Military: War

    The skies of Strathnora become battlegrounds as dragons and mortal mages engage in intense magical duels.   Landscapes are reshaped, and entire civilizations suffer under the destructive forces of both dragons and mortal sorcerers.

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  • 205 AoD

    393 AoD

    Heroes and Sacrifices (Mid-Dragon Wars)
    Military: War

    Heroes emerge on both sides, attempting to end the conflict through diplomacy or force.   Tales of bravery and sacrifice spread as individuals attempt to bridge the gap between dragons and mortals.

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  • 230 AoD

    Creation of the Kobolds
    Life, Birth

    The Dragons, in an attempt to create more soldiers, use powerful magics to combine their Draconic essence with mortal prisoners of war.   This results in the creation of the Kobold species.

    Additional timelines
  • 311 AoD

    Creation of the Orcs
    Life, Birth

    Dragons, seeking to create more robust soldiers than their last attempt, perform experiments on powerful mortals, creating a species of fast breeding warriors.   Many Dragons are disgusted by this act, though most see the need for shock troops.

    Additional timelines
  • 394 AoD

    395 AoD

    The Turning Point (Later Years of the Dragons Wars)
    Political event

    Realization of the devastating toll prompts leaders on both sides to seek resolution.   Negotiations begin, leading to the recognition of the need for a new accord to prevent total annihilation.

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  • 396 AoD

    The Treaty of Draconic Accord (End of the Dragon Wars)
    Gathering / Conference

    Representatives from dragons and mortals negotiate the terms of a treaty to end the conflict.   The Treaty of Draconic Accord is established, setting guidelines for the responsible use of magic and fostering cooperation between dragons and mortals.

    Additional timelines
  • 397 AoD

    948 AoD

    Rebuilding Strathnora (Post Dragon Wars)
    Construction beginning/end

    Dragons and mortals collaborate to rebuild the devastated landscapes of Strathnora.   The scars of the Dragon Wars linger as both races learn to coexist and share responsibility in the use of magic.

  • 796 AoD

    811 AoD

    The Great Interplanar Rift
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    A massive interplanar rift threatens to unleash otherworldly entities into the realms.   A coalition of adventuring parties, known as The Rift Wardens, is formed to close the rift and prevent a planar invasion.

Age of Magic

1588 2465

Said to have started at the birth of Herlia Hiver, the Age of Magic was one of the most prosperous eras for the Mortal races.

  • 0 AoM

    Birth of Herlia Hiver
    Life, Birth

    The most powerful Magic User in history is born. She is capable of using all forms of magic without drawbacks.

  • 0 AoM

    The Great Empowering
    Disaster / Destruction

    A massive blast of magical energy engulfs the world, infusing all life on the planet with some form of magic. New monsters are born, new dimensions discovered, and magic changes beyond recognition.

  • 0 AoM

    62 AoM

    The Arcane Renaissance
    Scientific achievement

    The Age of Magic begins with the discovery of ancient arcane texts, leading to a revival of magical knowledge and practices.   Arcane scholars uncover forgotten spells, unlocking new possibilities in magical arts. Magical academies and guilds flourish.

  • 41 AoM

    Classification of Different Types of Magic
    Discovery, Scientific

    The four Traditions of Magic are defined by Herlia Hiver. They are as such: Arcane, Divine, Occult and Primal.

  • 53 AoM

    Founding of Havenport

    The small fishing village of Havenport is founded by a group of human settlers on the western side of the continent of Eagos.

  • 72 AoM

    117 AoM

    The Unveiling of Occult Mysteries
    Cultural event

    Practitioners of the Occult tradition gain prominence, delving into forbidden and hidden magical arts.   Occult societies emerge, seeking to uncover ancient mysteries and tap into dark sources of power. Tensions rise as the Occult clashes with more conventional magical practices.

  • 122 AoM

    192 AoM

    The Divine Enlightenment
    Religious event

    A period of religious and spiritual awakening sees the rise of the Divine tradition.   Temples and holy orders gain influence as Divine magic is harnessed for healing, protection, and divine guidance. The faithful become a powerful force in magical affairs.

  • 197 AoM

    262 AoM

    The Primal Resurgence
    Cultural event

    A growing awareness of environmental concerns leads to a resurgence of interest in the Primal tradition.   Druidic circles, elemental shamans, and nature-focused magical practices gain popularity. The balance between civilization and nature becomes a central theme.

  • 267 AoM

    292 AoM

    Eruption of the Magic Wars
    Military: War

    A minor dispute over control of a powerful magical ley line turns into a full-scale conflict as practitioners from all four traditions clash.   The Magic Wars officially begin, marking the commencement of a 24-year-long period of magical conflict and chaos.

    Additional timelines
  • 291 AoM

    The Accord of Herlia
    Diplomatic action

    Representatives from the Arcane, Occult, Divine, and Primal traditions convene to negotiate a peace settlement known as the Accord of Herlia.   Terms of the accord include the establishment of neutral zones, the prohibition of certain magical practices, and the creation of a council representing all traditions to oversee magical affairs.

    Additional timelines
  • 292 AoM

    362 AoM

    The Era of Reconstruction
    Construction beginning/end

    Post-Magic Wars, the world undergoes a period of reconstruction and healing.   Scholars from all traditions collaborate to repair magical ley lines, rebuild devastated regions, and establish a new era of cooperation.

  • 367 AoM

    512 AoM

    The Golden Era of Magical Innovation
    Scientific achievement

    A renaissance of magical innovation sees the integration of magical and technological advancements.   Magical constructs, enchanted devices, and new spellcasting techniques become commonplace. Magical academies focus on interdisciplinary studies.

  • 517 AoM

    522 AoM

    The Astral Convergence
    Celestial / Cosmic

    A rare celestial event, the Astral Convergence, poses a unique magical challenge that requires the combined efforts of multiple adventuring parties.   Heroes from different traditions and regions unite to navigate the mystical anomalies and prevent a potential magical cataclysm.

  • 532 AoM

    562 AoM

    The Elemental Crisis
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Imbalances in the Primal tradition lead to catastrophic elemental events, including storms, earthquakes, and the awakening of ancient creatures.   Primal magic is harnessed to restore balance, and a global effort is made to address environmental concerns.

  • 572 AoM

    612 AoM

    The Celestial Convergence
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Celestial phenomena influence magical energies, leading to a period of celestial convergence.   Prophecies and visions become more prevalent, and practitioners from all traditions seek to understand and harness the celestial influence.

  • 617 AoM

    877 AoM

    The Harmoniuos Era
    Era beginning/end

    The magical traditions coalesce in a new era of harmony and cooperation.   A council representing each tradition is established to oversee magical affairs globally. Magical practices are regulated to prevent abuses, and a new golden age of enlightenment emerges.

  • 781 AoM

    Arcade Huppledruff is born
    Life, Birth

    Arcade Huppledruff is born to a fisherman and seamstress in the then small fishing town of Havenport.

  • 800 AoM

    Death of Herlia Hiver
    Life, Death

    Herlia Hiver dies of old age at exactly 800 years old.

  • 828 AoM

    846 AoM

    The Hail Mary Adventurer Party are active.
    Life, Career

    Arcade Huppledruff's party, the Hail Mary Adventurers, is active. They go on many adventures and defeat many dangerous foes, amassing wealth, fame and power in the process.   Their careers end when three of the four die in a fight with a powerful aberration, with Arcade being the only survivor.

  • 851 AoM

    The Founding of Huppledruff's Arcane University

    Arcade Huppledruff founds his Arcane University out of his Wizard's Tower near the small fishing town of Havenport.

  • 869 AoM

    Arcade Huppledruff Dies
    Life, Death

    Arcade Huppledruff is found dead in his study at the age of 88. While there were no signs of foul play, his passing came as a shock and has spawned many conspiracy theories.

  • 870 AoM

    Technological Breakthrough
    Technological achievement

    The first types of non-magical technology are created.

  • 872 AoM

    877 AoM

    The Dawn of Ascendence
    Discovery, Scientific

    A powerful artifact, the Ascendance Sphere, is discovered, holding the potential to elevate magic to new heights.   Scholars and practitioners from all traditions collaborate to unlock the Sphere's secrets, leading to a transformative event that promises to shape the future of magic in unprecedented ways.

  • 877 AoM

    Technological Revolution
    Technological achievement

    A major technological breakthrough is made, allowing for the creation of new non-magical objects and constructs, as well as the practice of magitech, the fusion magic and technology.

Age of Gears

2466 and beyond

  • 24 AoG

    The Great Clockwork Exhibition
    Gathering / Conference

    A monumental event takes place in the heart of Strathnora, where inventors, engineers, and Magi-tech enthusiasts from across the realm gather for The Great Clockwork Exhibition. This exhibition showcases the pinnacle of Magi-tech innovation, featuring intricate clockwork devices, automatons, and marvels of magical engineering.    It becomes a hub for knowledge exchange, sparking collaborations and inspiring the next generation of Magi-tech inventors. The event serves as a testament to the ingenuity and creativity that defines the Age of Gears.

  • 39 AoG

    Rise of Magi-tech Guilds

    As Magi-tech becomes an integral part of everyday life, specialized guilds dedicated to the fusion of magic and technology rise to prominence. These Magi-tech guilds bring together magic users, engineers, and artisans to share expertise, conduct research, and promote responsible practices in the development of Magi-tech.   Their influence extends beyond the realms of innovation, shaping policies, ethical standards, and the education of aspiring Magi-tech practitioners. The rise of these guilds marks a formalization of Magi-tech as a respected discipline within the magical community.

  • 44 AoG

    Present year