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Grayson Wildemere

Grayson Dean Ambrose Elgar Asketel Wildemere, III

Team Banshee's interactions with Grayson have largely been negative. This began with Grayson snidely commenting on Estere as a 'poor' during orientation, culminating in that day with a physical altercation with Shaelus during a wizard gang fight in the quad.   While Grayson's rivalry with Shaelus has increased to the point that Grayson has written hit pieces on Shaelus's entire species, Grayson seems to be under the impression that Estere is attracted to him, going so far as to ask her on a date to a Silverquill poetry reading night. Estere has thus far rebuked Grayson, although the boy seems oblivious, likely as a way to defend his ego. Grayson's interaction with Ellywick and Fanya have been less, but one may assume he holds a similar opinion of them by association.   Estere named her toad familiar 'Grayson Jr.' and later learned that the toad, in actuality a quasit, has been stealing valuables from Grayson's dorm room, including his family signet ring.   In the seventh week of their first year, Shaelus began making attempts to repair his relationship with Grayson, offering him free food and drink at the Firejolt Cafe and complimenting his expose on locathah.   Grayson asked Estere to the Winter Soltice Ball, but she declined.   Ellywick shares 0 classes with Grayson.   Fanya shares 1 class with Grayson (Basics of Herbal Healing).   Shaelus shares 0 classes with Grayson.   Estere shares 1 class with Grayson (Beginning Inkomancy).

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Grayson is 6'1" with a lean, slightly athletic build. Although being raised in an affluent family meant little need for manual labor, Grayson dedicated himself to routine fencing lessons, believing it important to maintain an attractive form that befit his rank and station.

Identifying Characteristics

Grayson's most identifying feature is his lilting laugh, which carries through the hallways of the Biblioplex long before anyone actually sees him. While a scant handful find this endearing, most agree that his laugh is quite grating.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Grayson comes from an old, moneyed, and influential family in Silkmeadow beyond the mountains. To him, studying at Strixhaven is a means to an end. Learning business acumen is just as important to Grayson as his classes, so he has joined the Future Entrepeneurs of Strixhaven. Grayson makes a point to know as much about everyone as possible, gathering information until he finds the best circumstance to use it. Having learned to pick locks, he often accesses places where he's unauthorized, searching for secrets.   Grayson has become a writer for the Strixhaven Star, where he's responsible for the gossip column.

Intellectual Characteristics

Grayson is what one may call a 'high intelligence, low wisdom' character. He excels in school and is a master with the written word, but he tends to fail spectacularly in the spoken word. This is due in large part to his privileged and sheltered upbringing, where he learned a lifestyle in which the help was the help and everyone in the echelon of people worth speaking to had the same mannerisms, upbringing, and expectations. Grayson is, as a result, condescending, arrogant, and rude.

Morality & Philosophy

Grayson believes quite firmly in the power of money and influence. While he doesn't discount the virtues of things like friendship and love, Grayson places higher priority on personal ambition and self gain.


Contacts & Relations

Mina and Grayson are best described as frenemies. Often they approach the same task at the Strixhaven Star from opposite ends of the spectrum. Whilst he appreciates the competition, he still thinks Mina’s methods are ineffective and weak.
Current Status
Attending Strixhaven University
Current Location
Current Residence
Strixhaven University
Masculine to androgynous
Dark brown
Slicked, dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Elven, Draconic, Dwarven


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