Abyssal Whyrl of Umbrae

The Abyssal Whyrl of Umbrae, also called simply the Whyrl by the people of Styx is a vortex of mystical energy that lies at the center of Lake Aphon.

The Whyrl pulls any living or once living matter towards it threatening to swallow anything that dares get to close.

Faring on the lake was a dangerous endeavor until the Academia Ars Magicka et Mundana developed the Anti-Abyssal Charm which repels the pulling force of the Whyrl by exuding energy of an opposing metaphysical nature to the Whyrl's.

According to legend the Abyssal Whyrl appeared when the God Empress of the Stygian Empire stabbed the Fang of the Spider Mother into thin air as she was encroached by the revolutionaries who sought to execute her to free the people of Styx from oppression.


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