
The Landtvættr are spirits of the land that are traditionally worshipped and honored by the Eldtruth-Kept.

In their mythology it was the Landtvættr that taught the Dwarves to mine, smelt ores and smith; they therefore have a place of great reverence in their faith. Some Dwarves have a special affinity to these spirits, they are called Stoneseers and often take the role of spiritual guides but also worldly leaders and grand architects and engineers within Dwarven society.

Some scholars at the Academia Ars Magicka et Mundana classify the Landtvættr as Fae spirits which are more steady, reliable and reasonable than most of their kind and can therefore be dealt with in a ritualistic fashion.
The scholars therefore also argue that the Eldtruth-Kept practice of worshipping these spirits is unlike the bedeviled Witchcraft of the Eldest Faith.



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